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When I woke up from the dream, I saw Nico there but I felt I was in a light sweat. It was a really intense dream and yet when I moved my legs for the first time I felt it..I was wet from the dream. Nico hugged me as I hugged him back but I knew too well I would go to Aleks. I could feel it within myself that I wanted him to do those things to me. I wanted the pleasure he'd given in the dream as Nico put a hand on my cheek. 

"Are you ok? You were making noises." Nico said as I nod not daring to speak about what really just happened. 

I couldn't bear to speak at the moment with this feeling in my core of desire and I wouldn't take advantage of Nico just to satisfy it. He probably couldn't since it was caused by the dream. I got up and went to get a cold shower trying to calm myself down but once I made myself too cold I had to change it to a warm bath to soak in it. My mom came in to check on me and I was about to doze off again but she splashed me keeping me awake. 

"Mom?" I said
"Amira, you were asleep for several hours and we couldn't pull you out of it this time. What happened?" Mom asked 
"I can't keep fighting mama...I've dreamed of the day I'd find my grisha soulmate and I have.." Amira said 
"But you've refused him because of who he is." Mom pointed out "What happened in your dream?" 
I blushed a little and looked away ashamed "I.." I adjusted in the tub as I laid my head on the edge "It felt so real...and they're getting worse..I can't fight him in my sleep...I don't want to fight him in my sleep." I admitted 

Mom put a hand on mine as I looked at her knowing there was no way to tell dad. "I won't have your father stop you if you wish to go to him...but be careful. He plans to turn you into what he is." Mother said 

I knew mom spoke the truth and the thing was Nico wasn't going to let me just go out the door. So after I was out and walked out there I started to head for the door. "Where you going?" Father asked as I looked back at him. "Out, I can't sleep." I responded before opening the door and closing it. I split the light barrier by putting my hands together and separating it. I heard the feet behind me and as we both went outside the light barrier before I let it close behind us Nico grabbed my arm. "Mira, you can't go to him." Nico said as I looked down for a minute before looking back at Nico. "And what am I supposed to do? Keep living like I'm normal when I know one day I'll see you die?" I said a bit 

I got my arm free as I walked in the village, I had a few coins with me as I knew there wasn't any choice to go to Aleksander. He was within the little palace walls and I refuse to go there. I ran into the lady who knew my grandmother and she smiled at me. "Amira, you've grown quite lovely. I hear the General is smitten with you that he's been to your grandmother's house a few times. It's odd because he doesn't show interest in normal people." The lady said as I smiled knowing she thought we were a normal family. I was wearing the necklace Grandma had got me instead of the one the General gifted to me. "I have no idea, perhaps he believes I might be his soulmate." Amira said as the old woman laughed at my words. "Well, if that were true he'd be blessed to have you but sadly you would set yourself up for heart break once he finds his Grisha soulmate." The woman said 

If only you knew the truth. I thought 

Nico had found me as he was breathing a little and I looked at him. "Corporal you can't seem to keep up with me and the crown wants you to watch me since the General has such interest." Amira said as Nico looked at me knowing that was half a lie. "You move fast, Ms. Silina." Nico said to keep the act up and I laughed a bit. "So what can I help you find?" The woman asked as I looked at her and looked around "I was going to find some of those tasty fruits grandma got." I said as the woman nod but then the moment a change in her eyes was as if she saw something. I was going to say something but then I felt the tingling on my neck. 

How did he sneak up on me? I thought 

"Afternoon, Ms. Silina." Aleksander said without me looking at him and I had to resist the feeling of things I wanted to do as I took a deep breath. "Afternoon General should be tending to 2nd army not messing with a measly village girl." I said to him as he walked over and touched my necklace. "You're not wearing the necklace I gifted you, how unfortunate." Aleksander said as I gulped a little from how I was feeling and shrugged. I took a step back before walking to find those fruits and when I did, I got a basket full of them. "How much?" I asked the merchant as he told me and then when I was getting the coins before I could get them out I saw his kefta and that he took care of it. "Well, miss you have the General on your side." One of the men said 

I nod before walking away and as I got away from the market people he used his vampire speed to get in front of me making me stop. Nico was watching but knew to let me handle him as he placed a hand on my cheek. "You can't lie to me anymore Amira, I know your desire even if you deny it now." Aleksander said as I refused to be his girl or let him uproot my life but then he tapped my necklace again "Smart idea to have this on to conceal the bite mark that's still there." Aleks said as I knew too well I couldn't sleep all day. 

"What do you want?" I asked as he went closer and he leaned down where we were inches apart and I couldn't move away. "I want the truth. Your truth Amira, just once and let your tracker know." I hesitated still as I looked at him so close that I could feel his breath..his breath..that always told me he was different. "What truth? There is so many.." I said as he smirked and he looked past me at Nico "Do you want a grisha soulmate? Tell the tracker the truth." Aleks demanded as I knew what he was doing. He was trying to form a rift between me and Nico but I couldn't lie. "Yes..I do." Amira said as I couldn't even look at Nico at the moment and I could practically sense Aleks's smug grin as I could only imagine those two were glaring at each other but then he kissed my cheek. "The King is holding another party soon, you'll be attending as my guest and bring your tracker protector." Aleks said before he left.

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