Visiting the Winter Fete

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I saw the carriage door open and Aleksander was first to get out of the carriage as he put his hand out to me. The sound of people talking was clear as I took his hand, feeling it was slightly cold but still warm as I got out of the carriage. People seemed shocked to see me but it wasn't like I had a choice. I wasn't a Grisha who was part of the little palace but he adjusted my hand to be on his arm as I saw my family getting out of the other carriage. My father was in the dark blue like my grandmother with no design since they were unknown as far as everyone knew.

Aleksander led me to the group of people as they seemed to take in my appearance of who I would be. A Dual Summoner being escorted by General Kirigan as my family followed behind us I'm sure. A lot of people were whispering as I was going past them with the General keeping my eyes off of people till we made it to the ballroom. There I saw a few Grisha, it was easy to tell who they were from the Dark Blue Kefta dresses and suits, along with the red kefta dresses and suits, purple kefta dresses, and suits.

"Let's find Genya, she may be able to help you just a little not that you aren't adorable the way you already look." Aleksander said, I blushed at his compliment but tried to bury that down as I looked back at my family. My father didn't seem overly pleased with his only daughter being escorted around in the little palace but we all knew the saints had deemed him my soulmate.

When we kept walking I noticed we came across a woman in white, she had auburn hair and green eyes as I looked at her. "General Kirigan, what can I do for you?" The woman asked as he looked at her. "Genya, this is Amira Silina, she's my special guest tonight. Can you use your tailor's magic to make her look just a little extra special tonight." Aleksander said, I was going to protest but then he looked at me and I decided against it. '' Genya looked at me surprised by my appearance. "Saints, are you a sun summoner?" Genya asked and I shrugged a bit before Aleksander let me go so Genya could lead me away.

Genya led me to a room where she had someone bring her kit, she seemed to be thinking about what she was going to do. I was not used to such things, I could tell she was a tailor with her kit. "So what are you?" Genya asked with a smile, "you clearly don't live here in the little palace or I would have met you before today."

"A Dual Summoner, very rare but not uncommon." I said as she had her surprised look "close your eyes and relax your eyebrows." Genya said to me as she started to work on me. "So, General Kirigan escorted you in. Does that mean you're staying in the little palace after tonight?" I waited till she was done and opened my eyes "No, After the Fete, I am going home to continue my training with my family. I want to keep my distance from him." I admitted

Genya didn't understand and I could not out him for being what he was, a vampire. She tapped the necklace and I laughed a little. "Well you initials are on his wrist." I said as she looked at me surprised. "Well that would explain why he wanted me to add a bit more to you. Who did your hair? It looks just plain." Genya said and I knew that I didn't do a lot with my hair regularly. "Oh I uh..we didn't have any accessories for my hair I think they forgot it." I admitted

Genya had me sit right here then she went to get something as I waited, I wasn't to see myself in the mirror until she returned and when she did she worked on my brunette hair as I felt her put in a hair accessory. "There, now you can look." Genya said

I was hesitant but I looked in the mirror and gasped a bit seeing the transformation as I didn't recognize myself. I knew there was no way this was going to just be ignored as Genya took my hand "Come on now, we must show your soulmate but you walk ahead. I want to take in the General's expression as he sees you walk in." Genya said, I had to admit I like Genya but I felt bad because I didn't know her story and why white?

As we made it back to the ballroom, I knew people had already seen me before with him so I walked in. Everyone was turning to look at me as I was making my way in and even my family looked surprised. I knew I had to look older than my age just a bit as even General Kirigan looked awestruck as I noticed he was talking with the King and Queen as he walked over to me. "I didn't think Genya would have such an effect on your appearance." General Kirigan said as he looked seeing people staring at me. "You look stunning by the way." He added before he offered his hand to me.

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