Seasons of Med: Season 3: You Saved Her Life

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Trigger warning: Shootings and gun violence.

As always, I don't own any quotes from Chicago Med 3x18.

Y/N's age: 16

Jay's age: 30

Will's age: 32

"Football players are throwing a huge rager tonight," your friend, Andrea, told you. "It's by my house, too, so when we get bored we can just go back to my place. My parents are out of town and it's only my brother who's home."

"Won't he tell your parents if he finds out?" you asked as you finished cleaning out your locker since it was the last day of your sophomore year of high school.

"Nope. I've covered for him so many times, no way will he tell on me. And, it's not like we're gonna get hammered. Just one or two drinks and leave. You don't even have to drink if you don't want to," she told you.

"So, then what's the point of going?"

"Because, since the football players are throwing it and Caleb was moved up to varsity, he'll be there."

"And, since it's only for upperclassmen you were invited because everyone loves you and you're dating Tyler?" you asked. Tyler had been Andrea's boyfriend for a year and a half and he was a grade above the two of you, making him a junior, soon to be senior.

"Yup. You in?"

"I don't know. There's no way Jay would let me go to a party."

"Just tell him you're spending the night at my house," she suggested.

"That could actually work." And, it wouldn't be a total lie since you'd get ready at her place, go across the street to the party, and then go back to her house when you guys had had enough. "I'll ask Jay if I can spend the night at your house."

"Awesome! Text me what he says. Hopefully, I'll see you later!"


Jay had let you go to Andrea's, citing the fact that it was the beginning of summer and you should have some fun before you started to look for a job.

That's right, he wanted you to get a job. There was a job opening for the coffee shop in your apartment building, but you'd be damned if you'd apply there because there was no way in hell you'd be catering to people who you saw every day...much less your brother. So, you were looking for new places to apply. But, Jay knew it might take some time, so he wasn't pressing you a ton to get a job, as in he said you didn't need to apply to every place that had a now hiring sign under the sun.

You packed your bag and then drove to Andrea's house. It was more outside the city in the suburbs where all the families had big yards and some had white picket fences.

You rang the doorbell and Andrea immediately greeted you. Then, she handed you a bottle of water once you got inside. "Drink this. Just in case you decide to go a little overboard," she told you.

"Andrea, I'm not gonna do anything that stupid. Jay's a detective; he'll be able to tell if I'm hungover...or if I'm lying about said hangover."

"I guess you're right. Just wanted to be prepared. I probably won't be drinking a ton anyway. Wanna go start getting ready?"

"Let's do this."


The music was pounding and you were certain that you were going to be deaf after this. But, it was fun. You and Andrea were jumping up and down to the beat of the music because you couldn't dance to save your life. Andrea on the other hand, when she wanted to, she could dance all right.

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