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"Hey, hey." You woke up to Jay shaking you awake. "You're gonna be late."

"Not going." You rolled over to look at your older brother. "I feel like shit."

"Migraine?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, and did you turn down the heat or something? I'm freezing."

Gently, he put the back of his hand on your forehead. "You have a fever, Y/N. You're definitely not going to class."

He started to walk out of your room and then stopped. "I'll leave my phone on in case you need me. Also, drink lots of water."

"Okay. Now, leave before I get you sick."

"I'm telling Will by the way."

You sighed and Jay left. 


"Halstead," Jay answered as he sat down at his desk in the 21st. 

"Jay, please tell me you're at home," Will said on the other line.

"No, I'm at work. Why?"

"You left Y/N home alone with a fever?" Will asked accusingly.

"Yeah, why?" Then it dawned on him. "Oh, shit. I'll head home right now, man."

Quickly, he hung up and then walked into Voight's office. "Sarge, I gotta go. Y/N's sick and--"

"Jay, she's family. Go take care of your sister."

As he was driving home, lights and sirens, of course, he couldn't help but remember the first time you had momentarily blacked out from a fever. You thought you had blacked out at least. 

All you remembered was that Will was getting ready for work in the bathroom closest to your bedroom, so you had to walk to the bathroom across the house. 

When you got there, you went to close the door, but then got really dizzy. You don't really remember falling over, but you did remember the loud sound of your body hitting the floor. And that was when Jay woke up.

According to him, he had thought that someone had broken in. So, he grabbed his gun and slowly made his way across the house. You vaguely remember him saying your name and then being helped up. 

"I'm sick, Jay," you had told him.

"Gathered that much, kiddo," he said. "C'mon, let's get you back to bed." He helped you up. "Think you can walk by yourself?"

"I got it," you told him. But, the second you took the first few steps, your world started to spin. "I don't got it."

Jay wrapped an arm around your waist, and you held on to his free arm. "I gotcha, I gotcha," he said as he helped you back into bed.

"I'll take your temperature later and ask Will what meds to give you when he's out of the bathroom. For now, just get some rest, okay?"

You nodded and Jay left the room. 

And that was the day that your older brothers learned that they couldn't leave you alone if you had a fever, a lesson that Jay had obviously forgotten. 

Jay had barely put his truck in park before he jumped out. He went to open the door, but it was locked. After fumbling with his keys, he ran into the house and to your bedroom. 

"Not again," he muttered, worried when he didn't see you in your room. Quickly, he made his way to the bathroom. 

He pulled out his phone. "Voight, I need you to roll an ambo to my location right now."

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