Witness Protection? You're Kidding.

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A/N: This one was a request from someone on Tumblr or Wattpad, but I couldn't find the ask or message, so if you were that person, please, please, please send me a message so I can tag you! And, sorry this one took so long to get posted. I'm working 25+ hours a week + being a full-time student + homework, so sometimes I just need a break/don't have time to write. But, it's here now. So, please remember to vote and comment!


Today was Will's wedding day and you were planning on playing the annoying little sister card all day until you got to the church. This included making Will paranoid that he'll step on Natalie's dress and that he'd slip during the first dance. Which was why you were currently parking at the tailor's to join Jay to make sure that Will's tux looked right.

But, when you started the walk from the parking lot into the tailor's, you saw something very strange. There was your brother, on his wedding day, in his freaking tux, talking to someone in a car.

You were nothing if not nosey, so you walked up to the car. "Hey, Will. I'm assuming the tux fits right?"

He turned to you and saw the look of urgency in his eyes. Now, you definitely needed to know what was going on. "Yeah, yeah fits fine."

"Well, you should probably go bring it back inside so that you don't get it all dirty. I'm not wearing my bridesmaid dress out here like an idiot, so you shouldn't wear your tux outside."

"Y/N, now's really not the time for you to be the annoying baby sister." You rolled your eyes. "Go back inside and wait for Jay."

"Will, he needs you," Tim Burke said.

You kind of knew this guy. You knew his face and knew he had been a neighbor when you lived in Canaryville before your dad passed away, but you couldn't put a finger on his name.

Will sighed and got in the car. So, being the nosey little sister you are (despite being almost 22), you quickly slid in the backseat of the car next to him.

"Y/N! Get out! Go inside!"

"Guess, we're bringing her with us," one of the guys said. "It's too late now."

Then, he stepped on the gas pedal without waiting for Will to continue to argue about you being with them.


"Could be a subdural hematoma," Will said to Ray Burke. You were at this old warehouse and there were boats out front. This was a place that Jay had definitely told you not to go to. Well, he never specifically told you not to go to this exact place, but he told you to trust your gut. And now, your gut was telling you that this place was definitely sketchy and to get the hell out.

But, you were actually scared and you didn't want to go alone because you had no idea how to get back to the tailor's or get home from here. These people were giving you bad vibes. And, what if they had guns?

So, you stayed put, right behind Will as he completed his exam of Ray Burke.

You heard a door close and looked over to see another guy walk in.

Will looked up. "Hi, Tom," he said.

He obviously remembered their names from when he was living in Canaryville, unlike you.

"What's he doing here?" this Tom character asked who you assumed to be Tim's brother.

"Brought him here to check on Pop," Tim said. "She just slipped into the car behind him and I didn't have time to argue with her about getting out."

"You know what?" Tom began and stepped closer to you and Will. "Good, good. I swept the house. Found this." He pulled a little black square thing from his jacket pocket.

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