Halstead Headcanons pt. 4

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A/N: Most of these (except for "Tuesday" and "Graduation Speech for Change") were requests from my tumblr. Anyway, thank you for reading, and please don't forget to vote and comment! Oh, and I don't think I proofread most/if not all of these, so don't come for me in the comments!



"Aw, shit," Jay groaned as he walked down the stairs and out of Intelligence.

"What?" asked Hailey.

"Kelly just texted me and told me Tuesday passed away this morning and Y/N loves that dog. What am I supposed to tell her?" he asked as he rubbed his forehead. Tonight was Wednesday, which was always mac n cheese and movie night. And sometimes, when Will could make it, he'd come over. Jay decided on doing this once you hit kindergarten because then it was halfway through the week and would give you something to look forward to. He knew your little brain didn't comprehend school stress and burnout yet, but he figured it would be good to have in place because, once you hit middle school, you might begin experiencing that school stress and burnout albeit in small doses than in high school or college.

"You can't keep it a secret from her forever. You're gonna have to tell her," Hailey answered.

"I can't just ignore it?"

Hailey closed her eyes and sighed. She couldn't believe she was having this conversation with her husband. "No, Jay. You can't just ignore it. Because one day, she's gonna want to see Tuesday, and then you're going to have to explain to her that he died."

"So, how do I start the conversation?" Jay asked.

"How did you and Will have the conversation with her that your dad died? You do that same thing, but put Tuesday's name in it."

"This is not how I wanted to spend my night."


"Can we have cheese popcorn for the movie?" you asked excitedly as Jay helped you buckle into your car seat when he and Hailey picked you up from daycare.

Hailey gave Jay a look. He knew he had to do it now.

He unbuckled your seatbelt. "Y/N, do you want to go on a little walk with me and Hailey really quick? We can go on the trail you like."

"Yeah!" you exclaimed and quickly jumped out of your car seat. Jay was about to help you out of his truck, but you remembered something. "Wait! Can Teddy come, too?"

Jay smiled despite the conversation he was going to have to have with you in a few minutes. "Teddy can come."

"Yay!" you cheered and quickly grabbed your stuffed bear from your little purple backpack.

He helped you out of the truck and you quickly ran up to Hailey and held her hand.

"Guess I'm the favorite today," she joked.

"You always my favorite," you said, which caused Hailey to smile.

"Hear that, Halstead? I'm her favorite."

Jay quickly stuck his tongue out at his wife, which did not go unnoticed by you.

"It's not nice to stick your tongue out, Jay Jay!" you told him sternly and he had to try and hold back his laughter. "You gotta say sorry!"

Hailey cocked an eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry, Hailey," Jay apologized.

"For what?" you asked. He always said that to you, so why couldn't you say it to him?

"I'm sorry for sticking my tongue out at you," Jay finished.

Then, you were happy so the three of you started on your walk to the trail.

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