Halstead Headcanons Pt. 3

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A/N: Sorry I've been a little MIA. I've had school and I picked up a bunch of extra shifts at work. Also, if you follow me on tumblr, you might have seen some of these headcanons already. Just an FYI! Also, most of these aren't proofread. Don't forget to vote and comment!


HC below was requested from an anon on tumblr.

Jay was woken out of his sleep when he felt somebody lay down next to him...a little somebody at that. He opened his eyes and turned to look at you.

You were clad in your footie pajamas and were currently trying your hardest to pull the blankets that your daddy was hogging onto you.

Jay chuckled. "Here you go, sweetheart."

You yawned. "Thank you, Daddy."

He wanted to ask why you were in here at six in the morning on the weekend, but he figured he already knew the answer. And, as with any toddler, when something was on their mind, they'd say it out loud. So, Jay didn't have to wait very long for you to tell him why you were in his room.

"I miss Mommy," you said, and snuggled closer to your daddy.

"I know you do. But, she'll be back tomorrow morning. And then we'll go and pick her up from the airport."

"I know, but I still miss her."

"Wanna know a secret?" You nodded your head. "I miss her, too."

"You do?"

"I do. But, I think Mommy would want you to sleep a little longer."

"Okay. Can I have snuggles, too?"

Jay moved so that his head was higher up on his pillow so that you could lay your head by his arm. "You can always have snuggles." Then, he wrapped an arm around your back. "Night, sweetheart. Sleep for another hour, okay?"

You yawned again. "Okay."


"Daddy, where we goin'?" you asked from the backseat of his truck. After eating breakfast, your daddy told you that you'd be going somewhere and that it was a surprise. In the last ten minutes, you had asked him where you were going more times than he could count.

"We'll be there in two minutes," he told you.

"But that's so long!" you whined.

Jay laughed and continued driving and soon enough, he pulled into the zoo.

"The zoo! We gonna see all the animals?"

"We're gonna see all the animals, that's right," Jay confirmed.

"Yay!" you cheered and then he helped you out of your car seat.

"Now, I need you to hold my hand, okay? We don't need you to be getting lost."

"Mommy would be really, really, really mad at you if I got lost. And I'd be really, really, really scared."

"I'm sure you would. And that's why you always hold my hand."

The two of you walked to the entrance of the zoo, where you saw one of your favorite people. Your uncle Will!

"Uncle Will!" you shouted and let go of your daddy's hand and ran to him.

"Hey, kiddo!" he exclaimed and quickly picked you up.

"You gonna see all the animals with me and daddy today?" you asked sweetly.

"I sure am."

"Y/N, what did I say about letting go of my hand?" Jay asked as he walked up to you.

"Oops, sorry. But it was just Uncle Will!"

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