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A/N: Hey guys, I hope you like this one, and please remember to vote and comment! As always, I love hearing your thoughts! 


Apple picking.

It was a fall staple and you'd been excited about it since Jay and Will told you that you'd be going a few days ago. (You were mostly excited about the donuts and apple cider afterward, though compared to the actual apple picking.)

So, it was a little shocking to Jay that you were sleeping past 7:00. It was currently 7:45 and he had just gotten a text that Will was on his way.

When Will walked inside 25 minutes later, he was carrying a drink carrier containing two large coffees and a smaller drink for you.

"Where's munchkin?" he asked when he saw that Jay was just sitting on the couch watching the news.

"Still sleeping," Jay answered.

"Dude, it's past eight." He walked over to Jay and handed him a coffee.

"Thanks. And, I know it's past eight, but if she sleeps in, I don't question it. I'll give her fifteen more minutes and if she's not up by then, I'm gonna go wake her up."

"You think she's sick?" Will asked.

"She hasn't complained and we both know how she is when she gets sick."

"Stage five clinger right there."

"Exactly," Jay agreed.


Fifteen minutes later, Jay walked into your room to see that you were still in fact asleep. He had a fleeting thought to just let you sleep to your heart's content so that he could have some peace and quiet and just talk or watch the beginning of a movie with his older brother, but he knew he had to be a responsible adult and make sure that you were feeling okay.

He crouched down next to your bed and shook your shoulder gently.

"Y/N, Y/N, wake up, kiddo."

You rolled over and rubbed your eyes.

"Jay Jay?" you asked and Jay could hear the scratchiness in your voice. He hoped it because you had just woken up, but he knew he'd probably be proven otherwise.

"Yup, it's Jay Jay, kiddo. Are you feeling okay? I never have to wake you up on the weekends."

"I'm stuffy," you answered. "But we can still go apple pickin', right?" you asked worriedly and sat upright.

"If you feel up to it, we can."

"I do! I wanna go!"

"Okay, then let's get you up and get you dressed and get you some breakfast. Will's already here."

"Will's here?"

You quickly jumped out of bed and scampered out of your room.

"Will!" you exclaimed and he turned to look at you from his position on the couch.

"Hey! Good morning! How's my favorite munchkin?" he asked and patted the spot on the couch next to him.

"Good! We goin' apple pickin' today!"

"I know. But are you feeling good? You slept really long."

"Jay Jay already say-ed that and I telled him I feel good! Why you say-ed that, Will? Is it cause you a doctor?"

Will laughed. "I'm just making sure you're okay...and I might be able to help more because I'm a doctor."

"Y/N, I have your nasal spray, kiddo," Jay said as he came back into the living room and shook the bottle.

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