The Lake

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A/N: As always, thank you for reading, and don't forget to vote and comment!

"We going to the lake today?" you asked excitedly when Jay put a waffle on your plate.

Today was Saturday. Last night Kim came over and watched you while Jay and Will went out. They weren't going to tell you, but it was your dad's birthday last night. Since you were only three and a half when he died, you didn't really remember him that much. Sure, you'd ask where he was from time to time after he first died and asked why you were always with Jay or Will, but that was it. Of course, you cried at the funeral, but that was because you were confused and scared for your dad. Why were they putting him in the ground?

Jay had promised that the two of you would go to the lake near your house today and get some pretty leaves to do leaf rubbing with. And, you were going to hold them to that.

"How long until you tell her it's actually a pond?" Will asked.

"It's a body of water, isn't it?" Jay shot back. "And, we'll leave after you eat and get ready," he answered. You reached for the syrup and he quickly grabbed it. "I'll do it. We don't want a repeat of last Saturday."

"What happened last week?" Will asked.

"Someone tipped over the syrup bottle," Jay answered as he finished putting syrup on your waffles and then quickly closed the bottle.

"It was so sticky!" you exclaimed.

"I bet," Will agreed with a laugh. Then, he looked at Jay. "Bet you had a great time cleaning that up, didn't you?"

"Don't even start with me or I'll make you do her hair."

Will put his hands up in a sign of surrender. "Okay, okay. Need help cutting your waffles, kiddo?"

"Yes, please," you answered.

Will took your plate from in front of you and quickly cut up your waffles as Jay put three on a plate for himself.

"You want some, man?" he asked.

"Nah, I'm good. I ate before I came. Grabbed one of those bagel sandwiches that you always go crazy for."

"And you didn't bring me one? I'm offended."

Will rolled his eyes. "Do you have any coffee?"

"What kind of a dog do you think I am?" Will just shrugged in response to Jay's question. "It's on the counter. Knock yourself out."


"You said I can carry all the leafs!" you told Jay when the two of you got to the pond.

"I did, but I have to get some stuff out of the truck first. And, it's leaves, with a v."

"V-v-v V," you said, saying the letter's sound.

"Right. Leaves," Jay repeated, drawing out the V sound.

"Leaf- Leaves," you repeated with some trouble.

"Good job!" Jay exclaimed and then crouched down to give you a high five.

"Unless you're talking about the hockey team, then it's still--"

"Don't confuse her!" Jay scolded.

You furrowed your eyebrows in concentration--which almost always made Jay have to hold back his laughter--and looked at your oldest brother. "Huh?"

"Will's just being silly," Jay told you. "Now, take your sweatshirt just in case you get cold, okay?"

He held your red sweatshirt out to you and you took it and tied it around your waist like Jay and Will had taught you.

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