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A/N: This is a slight AU...I had an idea...ran with it...wrote it...and I don't know how I feel about it. But, it's out here now, so enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment!

"You didn't see anything, alright? And I'm searchin' you when you come in the house," Pat Halstead said to his youngest son, Jay, on the afternoon of Christmas.

"All I've got on me is my service weapon, Pop. And, Hailey thinks I got stuck with mandatory overtime today, so I can't be drinkin'," Jay said, his family's Italian accent rubbing off on him as it always does when he's in the presence of family.

"So you're keepin' secrets from your wife now, huh?" Pat asked.

"Not secrets, more like skirting the truth," Jay answered. "She knows you live in Chicago and Will's a doctor. Hell, she's met you, Will, and Y/N. She just... doesn't know what you do for a living."

"And she hasn't found out yet with all the fancy cop tech you got down there. Wow."

"Well, you bribed Voight pretty well to keep my history—well, my family history—under wraps, so yeah, she has no idea."

"That old man still runnin' around Chicago like a vigilante?"

Despite Jay's feelings about his dad, he had to laugh at his description of his sergeant, Hank Voight, because, well, it was true. "Hey, he's good for the city."

Pat Halstead waved a hand. "Heard that one before. Now, arms out. I'm patting you down."

Jay rolled his eyes but obliged. Once that was finished, he and his dad walked into the house.

"Will, Y/N, your brother's here!" your dad yelled as he and Jay entered the living room. "But, he lied to his wife, so he can't be drinkin'!"

"You lied to Hailey?!" you exclaimed.

"I couldn't have her come around here and meet Dad like this, could I?" Jay asked. Then, he looked down at the glass you were holding in your hand. "Is that wine? You're not even legal."

"The ID in my wallet says I am."

"Jesus Christ," Jay sighed. "If I see you at any insane parties—"

"I know, I know, you'll lose your shit."

"Well, Dad taught all three of us how to hold our own, so I think she'll be fine, Jay," Will said and then stood up to hug his brother.

"Let's not let it get to that," Jay said after he hugged his older brother.

"Alright, enough of the chit-chat!" your dad yelled. "Let's eat! I made your grandma's meatballs and she always said to eat 'em while they're still hot!"


"Y/N, you wanna take a walk before we eat dessert?" Jay asked as you, Will, and Jay were sitting on the couch watching Christmas with the Kranks while you could faintly hear your dad talking business on the phone in the kitchen.

"But I like this movie," you whined.

"Will pause the—" Jay looked over on the couch kitty-corner to you two to see that Will was fast asleep. Whether that was because of the amount of food he ate or alcohol he drank, you'd never know, probably a combination of the two. "—I'll pause the movie," Jay finished and picked up the remote, and paused it.

Reluctantly, you got up and put on your coat and boots.

"Dad, me and Y/N are going for a walk! Will's sleepin' on the couch!" Jay shouted.

You barely heard your dad's response before Jay urged you outside.

"What?" You asked, upset you had to leave the warmth of your house.

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