Learning from the Best

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This was originally requested by @jayxupsteadx on @oneChicago2000 Halstead sister imagines book. She asked me to help since I know a lot about hockey (and it's my favorite sport), and I got permission to just write it here. I hope you both like it!

Please remember to vote and comment! I love hearing your thoughts!


You don't really remember much about the early days of Jay's career, granted, you were only three at the time he began playing in the NHL and only two at the time he began playing in the AHL. Then, when you were three, your mom was getting sick, so he was home a lot more, but you didn't remember that since you were so young. The stuff you mostly remembered about that time was being in the hospital and one of your brothers taking you to get snacks and ice cream a lot of the time (which, was code for a grown-up conversation between your parents that you didn't need to be there for...but you never knew that).

Now that you were getting older, you were starting to understand that Jay played hockey. Not only that, but you were starting to understand the game itself. You didn't understand the little things like penalties and off-sides and icings and such, but you understood that each team tried to score on the other team to get a goal. And, if there was one thing your big brother, Jay, was good at, it was scoring goals.

Right now, you were sitting at the kitchen table with your brothers and Hailey and were waiting for Jay to come back with some cookies, which he had been telling you about all day. (Will had smacked him upside the head when he let this part of the plan slip because now you wouldn't stop bugging them about said cookies.)

"Hockey sticks?" you asked when Jay set a plate of cookies on the table and you quickly reached for one. "Why?"

"You know how I score a lot of goals, Y/N?" he asked and you began nibbling on your cookie and then nodded your head in response to his question. "Well, there's this game and it's called the All-Star game. So, since I'm really good, I get to play in it in a couple days."

Your eyes immediately started to well with tears. Your birthday is soon! Jay Jay was gonna miss your birthday because he had to play in this stupid game because he scored lots and lots of goals!

"You're gonna miss my birthday! No!"

You jumped up from your chair and started running from the table, but Will had quick enough reflexes and jumped up after you and scooped you up.

You heard Hailey saying something about giving you the other cookie first, but you didn't care.

"Let me go!" you wailed.

"Jay's gonna get another cookie for you. Just, hang on," Will soothed.

"I'm not missing your birthday, kiddo. Just, hang on a second."

You wiped your eyes. "You're not?"

"Nope. Let me get you another cookie, okay?"

You nodded and Will continued to rub your back.

Jay quickly left the room and went to the kitchen and grabbed one of the Mickey Mouse cookies he had bought earlier in the day. Hailey pulled out her phone and began recording.

"Mickey?" you asked and took the cookie from him.

"Uh-huh," Will said.

"And where does Mickey live, Y/N?" Hailey asked.

You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at Will. "His Clubhouse?"

At this, Will laughed. "Close. But, where's Cinderella's Castle?"

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