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A/N: Thank you for reading! Since a lot of you liked "October" I figured I'd do something similar, but with Christmas. Please remember to vote and comment! I love hearing your thoughts!

You walked through Midway airport in Chicago, desperately looking for a Starbucks. When you finally got there, you stood in line behind all the people who had decided to arrive at 9 am as well. There were at least twelve people ahead of you, but Lord Jesus, you needed coffee. Waking up at 3:45 am for a 6 am flight was no joke.

And, as luck would have it, Jay texted you the minute you finished counting the heads of the people in line ahead of you.

You could've cried with happiness when you read the text.

I'm here. Brought coffee and breakfast.

Jay was a lifesaver.

So, you left the line for coffee and ventured out of the airport and into the freezing air of Chicago. Yeah, you definitely didn't miss the harsh winters of Chicago when you were in Tennesee for grad school.

At least Jay was parked super close to the exit.

"Hey, I missed you," Jay said and embraced you in a hug once you got to his truck.

"I missed you, too... but I missed Lilly the most."

"Of course you did," Jay laughed. "But, I think she missed you more. That little girl loves you."

"Oh, I know," you agreed. "Definitely more than Will."

"Here, let me take that," Jay said and took your suitcase from you.

After the two of you were finished loading your stuff into the trunk of his truck, you both got inside, the heat of his truck welcoming you.

"How'd you get so close to where I'd be when there's this huge line?" you asked.

"It's amazing what flashing a badge will get you." You rolled your eyes. Of course, he flashed his badge. That was a thing that Hailey did that had rubbed off on him. But, you weren't mad about it one bit; it was too cold to walk super far trying to find him. "Caramel Brulee latte and a spinach and feta egg wrap," Jay said as he handed you the large hot coffee and the small bag with the Starbucks logo containing the wrap.

"You're a lifesaver."

"Don't I know it. Oh, and Lilly doesn't know you're coming today. She thinks I'm at work."

"Perfect." You pulled out a small gift bag. "Now I can surprise her with this right after breakfast."

"Please tell me there's no candy in there; you know how she gets, Y/N."

You laughed maniacally. "There is. It's all her favorites, too. Don't worry, she'll have a sugar crash, and then she'll take a nap." You yawned. "Shit, I might have to take a nap with her."

"I dunno. Fresh sheet of snow, she'll wanna play outside."

"Nuh-uh. Count me out. You know I don't do snow."

"You grew up in Chicago!"

"And I left Chicago! Playing in the snow is your job, mister. Me and Hailey will just sit inside where it's warm."

"Nah, she'll give you those puppy dog eyes when she asks to go sledding and you'll cave so fast. You always do and you know it."

"You do it, too!"

"I know that! And Hailey hates it when I do that because she's gotta be bad the cop."

You laughed and then took a sip of your latte. "Where was this good cop Jay when I was growing up? You were always the hard-ass."

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