Doing What You Would Do

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A/N: I hope you like this one and please remember to vote and comment! 


"Pizza will be here any minute," you said to Makayla who was busy trying to find a movie to watch on Netflix. Whenever you had to babysit Makayla on Friday nights, it was a tradition to get pizza and watch a movie. It was as much a treat for you as it was for her because you got to relax after a long week of college classes and she got to pick the movie.


"You find a movie yet?"

"Yeah! I picked Princess and the Frog!" the seven-year-old said excitedly from her place on the couch.

"Perfect!" you exclaimed, matching her excitement. There was a knock on the apartment door. You grabbed some money from the drawer where Kim always left emergency money and money for takeout. You looked through the peephole and saw the pizza box, but no pizza man behind the box. Weird. "Hey, Mak, how about you run to your room and grab your platypus now, okay?"

"Yeah, good idea! Then we don't have to stop the movie!" She jumped off the couch and scampered off to her room.

Only then did you open the door.

"Fifteen, ri--" you were abruptly cut off and shoved into the apartment.

There were two men and they were in masks.

"Y/N, I have my--"

"Makayla run! Hide!" you screamed.

"Get her!" one of them yelled.

"No!" you screamed. You tried to throw a punch at the one closest to Makayla's room, but he ducked and the other one grabbed your arm and twisted it.

You kicked your leg back, hoping to kick him in the balls.

You heard a groan of pain and knew that you had made full contact.

Using those precious few seconds, you sprinted after the one who had ran after Makayla.

"Hey!" you yelled. "If you want someone, take me!" you yelled.

He roughly yanked Makayla off of her bedroom floor.

"No!" you yelled and jumped on his back. You raked your nails down the side of his face. But, you didn't get any skin under your nails because he was wearing a mask. It still hurt him, though.

"You stupid fucking bitch!" he yelled.

You were just about to shove your nails into his eyes when you were roughly ripped off his back and thrown to the ground.

"Ugh," you groaned as your back hit the floor.

"Y/N!" Makayla yelled.

You jumped up as fast as you could but were met with a punch to the side of your face, which knocked you down again.

"I got this one. You keep her down."

You started to get up again but got kicked in the stomach. You couldn't get up. After about ten kicks to your gut, he was done, so you tried once more to get up, despite having no strength left, but were met with another punch to your head in the same spot. The world spun for a few seconds.

You felt yourself being dragged across the carpet and then roughly forced into a sitting position. Your eyes were closed because if you opened them, you knew you'd throw up. You heard rustling and then felt yourself being tied to something.

You opened your eyes.

"Fuck y--" You were cut off as a piece of fabric was shoved in your mouth and tied around the back of your head.

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