Drunk Tank

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Looking back, it wasn't a good idea to get sucked into going to a house party. But, you did it anyway, and look where it got you: in the back of a cop car, handcuffed, on the way to Cook County jail. All because you had two white claws. Well, it wasn't the two white claws that were inherently the problem. It was the fact that you had drunk two white claws while still being underage.

Jay always told you that he would never use his badge to get you out of trouble, that you had to learn your own lessons. But, you figured calling him was worth a shot. Which was why, on your way back to the station, you told the arresting officer Jay's badge number.

When you got to the station, you were placed in holding along with all the other Friday night pick-ups. Some you could tell were miserable and really needed a fix of their drug of choice. You, on the other hand, were more concerned about your stomach, but you'd deal with that later because you only had two things on your mind right now: getting out of here and Jay's reaction.

It had to have been at least four hours before an officer walked up to the holding cell. During that time, you noticed how bad it smelled, how hungry you were, and how much your stomach hurt. You also knew that you would do everything in your power not to come back here again because you were powerless for the second time that night and you didn't like it one bit.

"Halstead." You looked up. "You've been bailed out." He unlocked the door and you walked to the front of the station, where Jay was standing.

He signed some paperwork and then you walked out to his truck in silence. "Thank you," you said as you got in.

He didn't say anything. You could deal with an angry Jay, but a silent Jay was even worse because you knew he was stewing and ready to blow at any second.

He parked at the district and then just stayed in the car. "You pulled me away from a case."

"I'm sorry." You looked down at your feet. "I thought you said you would never bail me out."

"I could've gotten you out in half an hour if I wanted to."

"And you let me rot for hours?" You looked at him, clenching your jaw. "Why would you do that?"

"You needed to learn your lesson. Now, whose house was this at?"

You stayed silent and he got out and slammed his truck door behind him. You followed him into the district.

"Y/N, I'm gonna ask you one more time. Whose house?" Of course, he picked the time when you were already upstairs in Intelligence to ask you.

"No comment."

"What did you drink?"

"No comment."

"Dammit! Did you do drugs, too?"

"Would you stop being a cop for once?" you yelled, earning the attention of everyone in Intelligence.

"You want me to be a cop? Fine. I'll be a cop. Get your ass in interrogation right now or you'll be sorry!"

And there it was.

You followed him into an interrogation room and you couldn't lie, you did not like the cop side of Jay when you were a suspect in custody.

"Now tell me. Whose house, what did you drink, and what did you take?" he asked, staring straight at you, hands on the table.

"Since we're playing cops and robbers right now, I want a lawyer," you answered, smirking.

"You don't fucking get it, do you?" Jay yelled and then took a deep breath. "With all the shit I see I just want you to be safe!"

"No, you're just being overprotective because Mom and Dad are both dead!"

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