Seasons of Med: Season 6: It's Not Okay

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A/N: Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! I love hearing what you guys have to say and what your reactions to my imagines are!

Your age: 19

Jay's age: 33

Will's age: 35

Like any college student who was procrastinating studying for an exam and writing a paper, you decided to make a dessert. Because, hey, studying is a lot better when you have something sweet to eat, right?

So, you made strawberry-lime blondies. They were supposed to be strawberry-lemon, but you didn't have any lemon juice and you didn't want to go to the store, so you used what you had on hand. You used frozen strawberries (which you defrosted in the microwave), and mixed them into the batter, and then baked them, so they took a little longer than expected to bake.

The final product was something like the texture of a lemon bar instead of a cakey texture, but they tasted good, so that was all that mattered.

Then, like any procrastinating college student and good little sister, you went to the district and delivered some to Intelligence and then went to Med to deliver some to Will and the other doctors on nurses on shift today.

You got a rapid covid test and went through all the decontamination protocols and then were finally allowed to go inside. If people at the hospital didn't know you, there was no way you'd be allowed in because, hello, there's a pandemic going on!

Will had been adamant about you not coming to the hospital as much as you used to, but you figured he'd be fine with it this one time because you came bearing treats.

"Y/N?" Maggie asked when she saw you.

"Hey, Maggie," you said. "Yeah, it's me."

"Why are you here? Not that I'm not pleased to see you, but I thought Will banned you from here?" she asked.

"Technically, he didn't ban me. He just said not to come here as much as I used to. And, I haven't been here since I got that glass in my leg helping at Mama's Garcia's when we had that outbreak of necrotizing fasciitis."

"Yeah, it's like that quarantine predicted the future."

"You're telling me. Closing stuff down, quarantines, but hey, at least it's not as bad as it was earlier in the year."

"Yeah, at least there's a vaccine and rapid testing." She motioned to the glass container you were carrying. "What's that?"

"Well, I was procrastinating studying--"

"Y/N, you should just get it over with. You'll be less stressed then," Maggie laughed.

"I know, I know. But then you guys wouldn't get these awesome strawberry-lime bars I made. You want first pick?"

Maggie smiled. "Set them in the doctor's lounge and I'll be in, in a bit and pass on the message."

"Thanks, Maggie. Page Will to meet me in there?"

"Will do."


You were waiting in the doctor's lounge, just scrolling through your phone when you heard the walkie-talkie go off on the counter.

"This is Nurse April Sexton from the Covid ward," she started. "I need a Spanish translator down here."

"Copy that," you heard Maggie say. About a minute passed and then you heard Maggie again. "Nearest translator is thirty minutes away because all the others don't want to be in the Covid ward."

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