Nightshift NHL

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A/N: Thank you for 115k reads! Please remember to vote and comment! And, I apologize in advance to those of you who don't understand hockey because there's lots of hockey stuff in this imagine. 

Anyway, enjoy!

"Do we have to share a microphone?" Will whined as he sat down at the two chairs you had placed at your desk. He was next to Jay at your desk and you were in a lazy boy chair in your room with your podcast microphone sitting on the small table next to the chair.

"Yes, now quit whining. I spent good money on the extra microphone. I'm pressing record now, so shut up while I record the intro. I don't need Mouse to work overtime editing this ep," you told him.

Yes, Mouse edited your podcast. He also told you the best equipment you could get for your budget and helped you when you had other tech issues.

"Welcome to Nightshift NHL, the podcast where I record this late at night and post it late at night for all your night shifters listening pleasure to or from work or at work. If you're a day shifter, well, I guess you can stay. I'm your host, Y/N Halstead and today I am joined by my two brothers, Jay and Will. In this episode, we'll talk about our playoff brackets as well as some questionable penalties from Game one and a couple of goaltender injuries."

You started this podcast because you loved hockey and you noticed that most NHL podcasts were hosted by men. So, you figured you'd change that. And, bringing the nightshift into it helped a lot too, and being young as well. You'd also ask questions and talk about things some other podcasters didn't, such as women in the game. They did mention that, but you dug into it, along with the statistics about women in the game of hockey and the pay differential between men's and women's leagues.

And now, it was your favorite time of year: the Stanley Cup playoffs.

Last year, you had Will and Jay on to talk playoff brackets, penalties, and injuries, and your listeners loved it. So, you decided to do it again.

"Gonna be real with you guys," you began, "I am not recording this on my day off between the hours of 2 and 4 am like I typically do. It is currently 11 am." You hit the button that made a boo sound and Will and Jay both had to cover their mouths so that their laughter wouldn't pick up on the mic. "It's because these two nerds work dayshift so they have normal sleep schedules. For anyone who hasn't been here for a while, I'm gonna introduce my brothers, Jay and Will, by asking the two questions I ask everybody: dayshift or nightshift and coffee or energy drinks." You paused and took a sip of your water. "Jay, we'll start with you. Dayshift or nightshift?"

Jay moved so that he was closer to the microphone. "I mean I'm a police detective so, sometimes we have to work during the night to solve cases, but I prefer days. Easier to chase people when I need to because the sun's out."

"Sun's out gun's out," Will joked. "And we mean actual gun with bullets, not muscles."

Jay rolled his eyes. "Shut up, man."

"This is the shit I have to deal with all the time, guys," you said into your mic. 

"You cuss on this?" Jay yelled. 

"Well, I have Mouse edit it out...and he'll have to edit out you yelling. He uses referee whistles to bleep out the swear words, too. Which, is kinda cool."

"I think you talk to my best friend more than I do."

"Don't have such a time-consuming job then," you shot back. "Anyway, Will's my other brother and he's a doctor. So, dayshift or nightshift?"

"Dayshift all the way," Will answered without hesitation. "When I started, I worked nights and I hated it. There's less doctors on shift at night, so I'd be running around and seeing a ton of patients. By the end of my shift, I'd be exhausted. Days are better because there's more doctors and more staff in general who work days. Unlike your night shifts, Y/N, me and Jay actually do stuff while we're on the clock at night."

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