I Can't Believe You

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A/N: I've had this idea for awhile and then an anon on tumblr asked me about Beary so I figured I'd write this (Note: This is not part of the Seasons of PD/Med universe, I just wanted Beary to be in it. It is a total separate imagine from that series). 

Anyways, enjoy!

"You're both leaving for an undercover assignment?" you asked Jay for the second time today.

"Yes, I already told you, Y/N," Jay said as he worked on packing his bag. "Voight needed it to look like we were a married couple, and since Hailey and I are already married, he thought it would work perfectly."

"Don't tell me I have to--"

"I already called Will. I'll bring you over to his place tonight at eight."

"Why?" you whined. "Jay, I'm eighteen. I can handle myself just fine."

"Y/N, this op could go on for weeks. So that means, bad guys have more time to figure out who I really am. And if they figure that out, I don't need you being here by yourself."

"But Will doesn't even own a gun!" you argued.

"Uh, yes he does," Jay said and you cocked an eyebrow. "If you two had bothered to talk for the past year and a half, you'd know he owns one and knows how to shoot it."

"It's his fault with all of this. I told him the truth."

"Yeah, well, we didn't find any evidence to back either of your claims, so you guys have a bit of time to work this out."

"You really can't just have patrol sit on the apartment?" you asked desperately.

"No. I can't have them sit outside our apartment building for who knows how long. You're staying with Will. End of discussion. Now, go pack a bag."


"Yes. Now go."

"Jay," you whined. "I'm eighteen and it's the summer before college. I'm gonna spend it all being babysat?"

Jay laughed. "Not all of it. A couple weeks max."

"A couple weeks too many," you muttered as you walked away and to your room.

You and Will had never been super close siblings, but you had been closer before everything popped off a year and a half ago.

You had just turned sixteen a couple of months ago and relished your newfound freedom. And now, it was the holidays, which typically meant that Jay took a bit of furlough and Will came back from New York to spend time with the two of you. Jay's new girlfriend, Hailey, might also spend Christmas Eve with you three. You didn't mind; you really liked her. Plus, it was nice having a girl around for a change.

You were sitting at home watching a movie with your friend, Megan, when there was a knock on the door.

Jay had always told you to either look out the peephole or not answer the door at all when you were home alone. He always told you that he made a lot of enemies with the job he did, and he didn't want you hurt because of it. You were just about to get up and look out the peephole when your phone rang.

It was Will.

"Hello?" you asked.

"You mind opening the door for me? I look like I'm homeless standing outside your apartment with a suitcase."

You laughed. "Yup. I'm coming."

The minute he came inside, he gave you a bone-crushing hug. "Ugh, I missed you."

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