Not in a Million Years (Safe Pt 2)

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A/N: Thank you for reading and please remember to vote and comment! A few people on here and on tumblr wanted a part 2 to "Safe" so here it is!

TW: mentions of sex trafficking and abuse (not graphic).


"Morning, kiddo," Jay said as you walked into the kitchen and rubbed your eyes. It was nearing ten o'clock and you had finally woken up after a very less than restful night of sleep.

"Mhm, morning," you mumbled. "You don't have to work today?"

"Wednesdays are my day off. You know this by now," Jay said and got up and made his way to the fridge. "Blueberry bagels and cream cheese?"

You just shrugged in response to Jay's question. Jay and Hailey knew that you loved bagels and cream cheese. And, it was for this reason, that they made sure to always have bagels and cream cheese in the house and to reiterate from time to time that you could eat them whenever you wanted. You'd been with Hailey and Jay for six months now and at the beginning, they told you that you could get up in the middle of the night and eat whatever you wanted. This, led to you eating bagels when you couldn't sleep or woke up in the middle of the night from nightmares.

After putting a blueberry bagel in the toaster for you, Jay made sure he got a good look at you. You looked absolutely exhausted.

Jay sighed. He knew you were hiding something from him, but he didn't want to push you. "Nightmares again?" he asked.

You just nodded.

"You wanna talk about it?"

You shook your head.

"Tell you what," Jay began, "how about you eat breakfast and then go back to bed? I'll wake you up in a couple of hours and then we can go to Starbucks and you can get your school done there?"

You had been taking online classes since you had been so behind in school before you lived in residential. And, also, Jay and Hailey could keep a closer eye on you and make sure you didn't get triggered at school. They figured they'd let you do online school for the next year and then see if you wanted to enroll in in-person school for your junior year of high school. Plus, with you being behind, you could catch up faster by doing online school instead of in-person school because you didn't have to waste time dealing with other kids and group projects, etc.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," you said.

Then, your bagel popped up and you began lathering cream cheese onto it.


After an hour of you being upstairs in your room and hopefully asleep, Jay decided to text Hailey.

Y/N's having nightmares again the text read.

Jay's phone rang about fifteen seconds after he sent that text. It was Hailey.

"Early lunch?" Jay asked when he answered.

"Yeah. I have client meetings back to back to back to back after this, so now is the only time I have to eat until I'm done for the day. Luckily I have snacks in my car."

"I'll make sure dinner is done by the time you get home. Then you don't have to worry about anything."

"Thanks. Anyway, Y/N's having nightmares again?"

"Yeah. She woke up late and she looked exhausted, so I asked her if she was having nightmares and she told me she was. But, she didn't want to talk about them."

"Typical. She doesn't want to relive them."

"Yeah," Jay agreed. "Then she just had breakfast and I told her to take a nap for a couple hours and then we'd go to Starbucks and she can do homework there."

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