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A/N: Thank you for 145k reads! And, please don't forget to vote and comment! Sorry, this one took so long to get to you guys!

Anyway, enjoy!

Jay was a cop through and through. You knew this, he knew this. So, it didn't take a rocket scientist to notice that something was wrong. Jay had been trained in the art of picking out subtle differences in people's facial expressions. So, when he saw you grimacing in the break room of the district while you were working on your algebra homework, he knew that it wasn't an I'm struggling with a math problem grimace, but an I'm in pain grimace. 

"You good?" he asked. 

"Yeah," you answered, looking up from your notebook. "My stomach just hurts."

"How much have you eaten today?"

You shrugged. "Not a lot."

At this, he opened the fridge where he knew you always stuck your lunch box if you had food left in it because you didn't want it to stink when you opened it when you got back to the apartment. He frowned when he unzipped your lunch box and saw much of it was left. 

All you had eaten at school today was a small pack of beef jerky and the clementines he had packed you. 

Your sandwich, yogurt, celery and ranch dressing, and mini Twix bar were still sitting in there.

He walked over to you and placed the back of his hand to your forehead. "You sure it's just a stomach ache, kiddo? You barely touched your lunch."

"It made me wanna throw up," you said. 

"What did?"


Jay widened his eyes in alarm. Will had warned him that eating disorders start in middle school and high school. "Did you eat anything weird last night or this morning that you think made you feel sick?"

"No. I think it's just cramps," you finally admitted. "But I've never felt nauseous before when I'm about to get my period."

At this, Jay visibly relaxed. He never thought he'd be this relieved to hear that his little sister was just PMS-ing. "Tell you what," he started, "how about I go get you some ibuprofen from my locker and then I give you some money and you and Hailey can go get smoothies. How does that sound? You can't do homework on an empty stomach."

You nodded. "A smoothie sounds good."

"Okay. Be right back."

When he walked out of the bullpen, he immediately motioned for Hailey to follow him, which caused Adam to smirk. 

"It's nothing like that, you sicko," Jay said, which caused Adam to quickly wipe that smirk off his face. 

"What's up?" Hailey asked as the two entered the locker room. 

Jay opened his locker and reached up to the top shelf to grab the bottle of ibuprofen he always kept stashed in there. "Y/N's having really bad cramps right now and she doesn't want to eat anything, so I suggested that the two of you go for smoothies. That way she can talk to you because you and I both know me and Will are the last people she wants to talk to about her period."

"That's fine. But, did you talk to Voight?"

"Hailey, all we're doing is looking at cam and pod footage and we've been doing that for hours. I'm sure he wouldn't miss you for an hour. But, if you want me to tell him you're leaving to go with Y/N, I'll just say that she had a rough day and wanted to talk to you."

"And you take all the blame if I get yelled at."

"That, too," Jay agreed.


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