A Rough Week

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A/N: I got so many requests for a sick Jay fic, so here it is! Also, thank you for 110k reads, and please remember to vote and comment! PS. This is barely proofread because I wanted to get it posted for you guys before I go to work. 


"Good morn-- whoa, you don't look so good," Jay said as he saw you walk into the kitchen at 6 am on a Tuesday morning.

"I don't feel so good, either," you agreed. "I think Will got me sick. I thought I just couldn't sleep because I was nervous for my math test, but I don't feel good."

"What hurts?" Jay asked.

"I feel like I'm gonna throw up and I feel cold and my head hurts," you complained.

Typically, you didn't get sick like this and have to miss school, so this was rare.

Jay felt your forehead. "You feel a little warm. Sit down, don't move, and I'll grab the thermometer and then I'll call school and tell them that you're not coming in today."

You yawned and pulled out a barstool. "Okay."

Then, you laid your head down on your hands as you started to shiver a bit.

You weren't even there for a minute when Jay came back and touched your shoulder.

"Put this under your tongue," he told you and you took the thermometer and put it in your mouth and under your tongue. "Wait for it to beep."

"I know," you mumbled, despite the thermometer in your mouth.

"Be quiet and let it take your temperature," he told you with a laugh. Then, he went on his phone. He couldn't call the school until they opened at 7, so he busied himself with getting you a blanket instead.

The thermometer beeped just as Jay came back with a blanket and draped it around your shoulders. You took it out of your mouth and handed it to him.

"101.1. You are most definitely not going to school today."

"Can I sleep in your room?" you yawned.

Jay scoffed. "No. I don't need you getting me sick. What's wrong with your room?"

"It doesn't have a tv," you mumbled.

"Oh, okay," Jay said. "How about, you go sleep for a few more hours and then you can use my laptop to watch tv in your room, okay?"

"You don't need it for work?" you asked.

"Nope. I'm not going to work. The rule is, with fevers either me or Will needs to stay home with you."


"Sometimes people can pass out because of fevers, so Mom or Dad would always stay home with me or Will if we got sick when we were kids, so we started doing that with you."

"Oh, okay."

You stood up off the barstool.

"You need help getting to your room?" Jay asked.

"No, I think I'm good."

"Okay. I'll bring you some water and Gatorade in a minute."

"Blue Gatorade?"

"Blue Gatorade," he confirmed.


"Hey, sleepyhead," Jay commented when you slowly walked out of your bedroom around noon. "You hungry?" You shook your head while holding your blanket tight against you. "Well, you should eat something. How about some toast?" You shook your head once more. "A smoothie?"

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