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A/N: Thank you for reading (and for 100k reads)! This is based on requests from @ lexiontrend on tumblr and a few anons on tumblr. Anyway, please remember to vote and comment!

And finally, enjoy!

"You're right," Jay began while he looked inside the fridge. "They really don't leave you any food."

"Exactly," you agreed. "There's some eggs, some yogurt, veggies, fruit, not much. I think there's some rice in the pantry, too."

"Well, they live right down the road from the grocery store, so maybe they just run there when they need something," he suggested. 


The two of you were talking about the couple you were currently dogsitting for. It was your weightlifting coach and his wife. There were two dogs. One's name was Ronin and he was big, fat, and lazy (and your favorite) and the other was Royce who was only two years old, barked a lot, and compared to Ronin, was a pain in your ass. But, you were a broke college student who needed money, and you had watched them in the summer for a week, so you figured watching two dogs in September during school would be fine, too. 

"What'd you bring me?" you asked. Royce started barking at Jay and you sunk down to your knees and started to pet him. "Chill, dude. You're okay. It's okay." You looked up at Jay. "Give him one of your shoes."


"One of your shoes. Give him one. He doesn't chew on it, just walks around with it in his mouth. James said he does it all the time. He literally walked up to me with one of his slides hanging out of his mouth when I first came over to see the house before I dogsat for them in July."

"I hope you're right about this," Jay mumbled and then slipped his shoes off and held one towards Royce. "C'mere, buddy. I'm nice. I promise." Royce just kept barking and didn't take his shoe. 

"Guess he doesn't like you," you laughed. 

"Guess so." Then, Ronin barreled up to Jay and sat right next to him. "Oh, but you like everybody," Jay said and then started petting him. 

"Anyway, what'd you bring me?" you asked again. 

"Tamales from Mama's Garcia's."

"With everything I like on them?"

"With everything you like on them," he confirmed and then went to stand up, but Ronin put his paw on Jay's leg. "Oh, you want me to keep petting you? Okay, bud. You're such a good boy, yes you are."

"We should get a dog," you suggested as you put the tamales in the microwave. 

"Not a chance in hell."

You ate your dinner and then stared at the wall. You were getting anxious about going to sleep tonight and Jay knew it. You were always really anxious whenever you had to stay home alone overnight and then after the first night you were typically fine. It was just getting through the first night that was the hard part.

"Y/N, you're gonna be fine," Jay reassured. 

"I know, I know. It's just I have to get homework done tomorrow and what if I can't sleep and--"

"You'll be able to sleep. And if you can't, I'm sure there's some pre-season hockey happening on the west coast that you can watch."

"I know, but what if I can't sleep at all?"

"Y/N, you packed melatonin. You'll be fine. The first night is always the hardest and then you're fine after that."

"I know, I know. But, I'm still putting a knife in the dresser drawer in the room I'm sleeping in just in case. Stab in the stomach and turn and then they'll bleed out in five minutes."

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