Christmas Sickness

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A/N: Thanks for reading! This one's short, but I had this little idea in my head, so I went with it. Please remember to vote and comment and thank you so much for reading!

"More wine, babe?" Jay asked as he reached over the wrapping paper for Hailey's empty wine glass.

Hailey laughed. "Jay, you can't possibly expect me to get drunk and then wrap Y/N's presents. Not to mention I have to make sure Santa's handwriting doesn't look like Mama's handwriting."

"Hails, she's three! There's no way she'd know!" Jay protested. 

"She's the daughter of two detectives. Never underestimate how perceptive she'll be." She paused. "But, I will actually take more wine. Last glass."

"Okay. Be right back."

Jay walked off in his red, candy cane footie pajamas. Hailey had gotten all three of you matching footie pajamas to wear and you couldn't be happier. Your mommy and daddy had PJs that matched yours!

As Jay poured more wine into both his and Hailey's wine glasses, he made sure to messily eat a Christmas cookie you had left out for Santa, purposely leaving crumbs. 

Then, he brought the glasses of wine and the plate of cookies to the living room. It was gonna be a long night. 


You hesitantly pushed the door of your mommy and daddy's bedroom open in the middle of the night. They told you not to wake up because if you woke up, Santa wouldn't come. But your tummy hurt so bad! You couldn't take it anymore and you felt hot and cold at the same time!

You knew that your daddy slept closest to the door and your mommy slept on the side of the bed closest to the wall. So, once you got closer to the bed, you whispered, "Daddy?"

Jay groaned and rolled over.

"Daddy?" you tried again and reached up to put your hand on the blankets.

"Mhm, what are you doing up, kiddo?" He glanced at the clock. "It's too early for presents."

It was only a little past three in the morning, and he and Hailey hadn't gotten to bed until 1:30. Needless to say, he needed you to wait until at least 7:00 to open your Christmas presents. 

"I no feel good," you said. 

Jay heard the urgency in your little voice and quickly sat up and turned on his bedside lamp.

"Oh, sweetheart," he cooed when he saw what you looked like. 

You looked very pale and he could see the sweat on your hairline. He could also see that you were clutching your stomach in pain. 

"I dunno what--" Before you could finish your sentence, you puked down your Christmas pajamas.

Jay was up in an instant. 

Hailey sleepily sat up in bed. 

Your daddy rubbed your back. "Shh, it's okay. Do you think you're gonna be sick again?"

You felt like if you talked it was gonna make you do that gross thing again like what had just happened, so you just nodded your head quickly. 

The next thing you knew, your daddy had picked you up in his arms and was sprinting with you towards the bathroom. 

He set you on the cool bathroom tile and then flicked the lid of the toilet open.

"When you think that you're gonna puke again, do it in here," Jay instructed and then sank to his knees next to you and rubbed circles on your back. 

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