Hometown Hero

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A/N: It's short but cute and fluffy! I hope you enjoy it despite its length and please remember to vote and comment!


"Is he gone? Is Jay gone?" you asked as you ran out of your bedroom at 10 pm at night.

"He just left," Will answered. "And no, I'm not giving you another beer. That was one time. Despite your birthday being in a few months, you're still underage."

You sighed and grabbed a bottle of lemonade from the fridge and then sat on a barstool across from Will who was finally eating his dinner, since he'd just gotten home from work. 

You snagged a couple of french fries from his plate. 

"Hey! Last I checked, this is my food!" he argued and moved his plate away from you. 

"Last I checked, I'm the little sister, so it's my job to annoy you."

Will rolled his eyes. "Why did you need Jay to be gone anyway? Were you waiting for me to go to sleep so you can sneak out and go to a party?" He looked you up and down. "Because, by the looks of it, you're gonna need some time to be party-ready."

You whacked him on the shoulder. "Shut up! It's a Friday night and I plan on just relaxing."


"Would you rather have me go out and smoke weed? Because I'm sure there's someone I can text who knows where a party's happening tonight."

"You're also underage for smoking weed, too. So, in a few months when you're 21, knock yourself out, kid."

Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. "Anyway, the reason I wanted Jay to be gone is because I have ideas for his birthday."

"Which are?"

"Give me some more fries and I'll tell you." Will groaned but passed you a few more french fries off his plate. You quickly ate them. "Perfect. Now, my idea was to make him the Hometown Hero at the Blackhawks game. There just so happens to be one on his birthday this season."

"His birthday's in a week. I'm sure they already have somebody for that night."

"Yeah, and it's Jay," you answered. 

"Y/N, it doesn't work like that--"

"Let me grab my laptop and I'll show you. Be right back."

You rushed off to your room to grab your laptop. 

Four months ago, you were at a Blackhawks game and they did Hometown Hero where there's someone from Chicago who was in the military who gets recognized. That was when you had the idea to check the schedule and then do that for Jay's birthday. 

You had to fill out some forms online and then they gave you a call back a few weeks later and you answered some questions and then they said that Jay would be the Hometown Hero for that game. 

The next part was the hardest part. You had to get some photos of when he was in the military to send to the Blackhawks admin who did all this. And you needed to get info about his accomplishments. You knew some, but not all, seeing as Jay wasn't one to talk about his time in the Rangers very often. 

That is where contacting Mouse came in. 

You had his number from way back when he was in Intelligence (because you had everyone's number in Intelligence plus Platt in case you ran into trouble) and you hoped he had kept the same number. 

You knew that he and Jay typically saw each other once a year because you'd typically have to go pick up a shit-faced Jay and Mouse from some random dive-bar on the outskirts of Chicago. 

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