Witches AU

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A/N: I'm back! Sorry, it took so long for an update. I moved out of state for grad school a month ago and I'm working 30-35 hours/wk on top of a full graduate-level course load. Because of this, this imagine is not proofread because I wanted to get this out to you guys. (I also wanted to post this before Halloween, but I had a ton of exams, so I'm just getting it up now.)

Anyway, enjoy!

Math has always sucked. It's confusing and why do you even have to know all of this stuff?

Wasn't this stuff just made up thousands of years ago? So why do I even need to know it? Isn't it all fake anyway. Like, maybe it's not even real and we're just learning stupid shit to learn stupid shit, you thought to yourself as you stared at your math test in front of you.

You looked around the room. You knew you weren't supposed to do this, but you muttered a transference spell under your breath to transfer the information from deep inside your brain where you couldn't find it onto the paper.

Hailey Upton was watching from her teacher's desk out of the corner of her eye, obscured by a book so her students wouldn't know that she was watching.

She knew a witch when she saw one.


Will might call his little brother, Jay, overprotective, but at the moment, Jay didn't care. His witch's mark burned, alerting him that either you or Will had just used magic.

Typically, this didn't happen, but there was a potion one could make so that one knew when another person used magic. Jay knew his mom used this on him and Will when they were younger even though she had never told them.

The most important ingredient in this potion was blood from the person who you wanted to know was using magic. This had been easy enough for Jay to come by. All he did was break open your razor, take out a blade, then quickly dip it in the mixture.

Jay had shuddered to think about where the razor had been when he took the potion like a shot a few minutes later. Then, he quickly brushed his teeth to rid himself of the taste of the potion.

Jay glanced at the clock.

You were in math class right now. He knew this because whenever he needed to text you, he made sure to do so during your lunch period, and a lot of times you'd text him back and say something along the lines of gotta go. Math class with a crying emoji.

And, you had been telling him for the past few days how you had a math test.

The man was both a witch and a police detective.

He easily put the pieces together: you used magic to cheat on a math test.

You broke the rules.

Do not use magic in your profession unless it is for the greater good.

Since your profession was currently a student and there was nothing at school that would really be for the greater good, Jay and Will had discussed it and had deemed that you weren't allowed to use magic at school.

Jay made a mental note to prepare a truth serum for you to drink when you got home from school.


"Jay, she's a kid," Will said when Jay called him later that day when he was on his way home from work.

"Yeah, and? Mom and Dad took our magic from us when we tried to throw a basketball game in our favor."

"Yeah because we were basically trying to injure the other team."

"Fair point. But, if we let her get away with it now, she'll think she can get away with it all the time and next thing you know, she's cheating on her SATs."

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