Seasons of PD: Season 8: Full-Circle Moment

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A/N: I'm back with the Seasons of PD/Seasons of Med storylines! I hope you enjoy it, despite this one being a shorter imagine. And, please remember to vote and comment! I love seeing how many of you really enjoy reading these! Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Your age: 19

Jay's age: 33

"Don't you have class?" Jay asked as he walked inside to see you currently making yourself a sandwich. 

You motioned to your laptop and took one of your headphones out. "The beauty of online classes is that I can make lunch while watching my lectures."

"Don't you need to like, I dunno, wear jeans?"

You sighed. It's been over a month and he still didn't get this online stuff. "They can't see the bottom half of me, Jay. I can wear pajama bottoms. Hell, half the time I just wear a hoodie with nothing underneath it, too, because you can't even see my boobs."

"Okay...well, I'm gonna go take a nap. We've been up all night working a case. Plus, it's a kid case. Shit, I wasn't supposed to tell you that. Forget I said anything."

"You can't just say that and expect me not to try and find information!"

"Yes, I can. And, do not call Adam and ask him. Because I think Platt threatened to put his balls in a blender if he gave away case-sensitive information again. And, I think he learned this time, so it's not even worth it."


That conversation between you and Jay had happened a month ago. You now knew that this was the case that had brought Kim and Adam to Makayla. You had met her once, she was shy, and rightfully so after what she had been through, but she had warmed up to you after a little while. It helped that Kim and Adam said they trusted you. 

And now, because of this, you were on your way to Kim's apartment with Makayla (you had picked her up from school after Kim called in, allowing for you to pick up her daughter) to watch Makayla for the night because her sitter had gotten sick unexpectantly and all of Intelligence was tied up with some car-jacking, you knew that Kim and Adam had been itching to get drinks together but it was hard because of work and a kid. So, you told them to stay at work as long as they needed, and if they still felt up to it, to go get drinks afterward. You could handle Makayla.

"We going home?" Makayla asked. 

"We are," you confirmed. In the passenger seat, you also had your overnight bag just in case Adam and Kim took you up on your offer to let them stay out all night. 

"Is Kim okay?" she asked worriedly. 

"Oh, yeah, she's fine. She's just working fighting off all the bad guys. My brother told me she'd be late and you can trust him."

"I know. I like Jay. He's nice."

"He is, isn't he?"

Once you got to Kim's apartment building, you helped Makayla out of the car and grabbed your bag from the passenger seat. Then, you went inside and up to Kim's floor. She had told you where she hid the spare key and you unlocked the door and let the two of you inside.

"You wanna go change out your uniform while I make you a snack?"

Makayla nodded and scampered off to her room. 

When she came back out, you had apple slices with peanut butter waiting for her. 

"What's in your bag?" she asked sweetly between apple slices. 

"Oh, just my pajamas in case I need to stay over a little later," you answered.

"What color are they?"

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