Seasons of PD: Season 10: A Piece of You, A Piece of Me

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A/N: Grab your tissues and I apologize in advance for making anyone cry!

Your age: 21

Jay's age: 35

Will's age: 37

It was starting to get cold out and you kept reminding yourself that you needed to set out your coat to bring to school the night before or else you'd just think that you could get away with wearing a hoodie like you had the previous two days, and you thought you were going to freeze to death walking around campus. They didn't call Chicago the windy city for nothing because the wind was what was making you freeze to and from class. 

You expected to walk inside the apartment you shared with Jay and Hailey (since Will's burned down in the summer) and then make a hot chai latte and get to work on your homework, so you were confused when you walked inside and saw Will sitting in the La-Z-Boy recliner. 

"Will, what are you..." You trailed off as you looked closer at Will. His eyes were red-rimmed like he had just been crying. You looked around the room and saw Hailey snuggled up to Jay's side on the couch. Hailey had silent tears running down her face and Jay had his jaw clenched, which he did to hold back tears. He was rubbing Hailey's back in a comforting manner. You dropped your backpack. "What's going on?"

Jay gave Hailey's shoulder a squeeze and stood up. "Y/N..."

"Did someone die? Did Adam, Kim, or Kevin get shot? That's the only reason why all of you would be crying. Oh God--"

Jay put a hand on your shoulder. "Everyone's okay. Everyone's fine. Nobody got hurt."

"Then why are you crying? Why is Will here?"

"Y/N, you might want to sit down."

"Jay, what's going on? Am I in danger? Is there someone trying to kidnap you again?"

"No, no. It's...Just sit down, okay?"

You did as Jay asked and went and sat down on the other La-Z-Boy recliner. 

Jay crouched down in front of you. "There's no easy way to say this. But I want you to know it wasn't an easy decision--"

"Don't sugar coat it, Jay. Please. Just tell me."

Jay closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he reopened them, you could see that they were filling with tears. "I re-enlisted."

You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you. You must've heard him wrong. He couldn't be reenlisting, not after all the shit that the army put him through. His PTSD, covering up a war crime for his buddy, Knox. No. You had to have heard him wrong. 

"What?" was all you said. 

"I re-enlisted in the army. I'll be stationed in Bolivia for eight months. I leave today."

"No," you whispered. Then you looked him straight in the eye. "No."


"No!" You shoved him away, causing him to fall down, and stood up from the chair. "No! No! You can't leave! Did you forget what it did to you? It made you pull a gun on me in a nightmare, Jay! You can't go back there!"

"Y/N, calm down. It's only eight months," Jay said and stood up and moved closer to you.

"You could be dead in eight months! You can't-- you can't--" The tears were clouding your vision now and you just needed to get out of here. 

You turned around and flung open the door and sprinted down the hallway, hearing Jay calling your name.

Jay grabbed his coat and went to run after you, but Will stopped him. 

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