None of This is Your Fault

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A/N: Thank you for reading and for 120k reads! Don't forget to vote and comment! This is basically a conglomeration of requests I got on tumblr. (Short author's note since it's late and I want to get this out to you guys and go to bed, lol.)

TW: Attempted sexual assault, emotional manipulation/abuse, drugs, and alcohol. Please don't read if these topics will trigger you. I cannot stress this enough!

Onto the imagine!

"Now, I'm gonna be roped up just in case, but I'll be the one pulling the ropes. I'll hook up a dummy to a rope, too, and I want you to practice holding onto the dummy and rescuing him, just like you did at the academy last week," Kelly Severide explained to Blake Gallo as they stood on an abandoned building to practice vertical rescues.

"You sure this building's safe to do this from, Lieutenant?" Gallo asked.

"What? You scared we're gonna fall through or something? We're standing here just fine, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but it's-- I just mean, is it illegal for us to be up here? Won't the cops come or something?"

Kelly held back a laugh at the young firefighter's skepticism. "Gallo, you forgot I know Hank Voight."

"I thought Casey said you and him hated Hank Voight?"

"Fine. I'm good friends with Jay Halstead who works for Hank Voight. We'll be fine."

Gallo shrugged. "Fair enough. Let's do this."

"Okay, I'm just gonna hook myself up to a rope just in case I need to jump off and save your ass. Hopefully, it won't happen, but just in case."

After hooking himself up to a rope, he threw the dummy attached to a rope which was attached to a pole on the roof over the edge of the building. Then, he grabbed Gallo's rope.

"You ready?"

"Ready, Lieutenant! Gallo confirmed.

"Oka--" Then, Severide's phone rang. He groaned and looked at it. "It's Halstead," he laughed. "Maybe someone saw us up here after all." He answered the phone. "Listen, whoever told you they saw two firefighters on a roof, we're not doing anything illegal. Just practicing rescue techniques."

"What?" Jay asked. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Oh, okay. Then forget I said anything. What's up?"

"I need your help."

"With what?"

"It's Y/N. I told her not to go out with this guy, and now he's her boyfriend and she won't listen to me. And I know if I go and find her, she'll be pissed at me."

"Jay, is Y/N missing?" Kelly asked.

"What?" Gallo gasped and immediately started unhooking himself from his rope.

"No, no. She's not missing," Jay answered. "It's just, they were going on a date and I texted her an hour ago to ask when she thinks she'll be home and she hasn't answered."

"Sometimes people don't answer their phones. I don't think it's anything to worry about."

"Well, I tracked her location. And, she's way out of the city."

"Define way out."

"She's like forty minutes away, Kelly. She'll kill us if me and Will go and find her, so I was wondering if you could help me out? Go look for her? Just to make sure she's okay?"

"If she was closer to us than forty minutes, then I'd say that you're just paranoid. But, man, forty minutes is way out there. What do you know about this kid?" Kelly asked.

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