Seasons of Med: Season 7: Jay Being Jay

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A/N: Thank you for reading and please don't forget to vote and comment! Also, this contains spoilers for the Season 7 finale of Med, so don't read this if you haven't watched it yet! And, I tried to do my medical research for this one as best I could (re: I had to skim some scientific journal articles) so don't come for me if I got anything wrong.


Your age: 21

Jay's age: 35

Will's age: 37

You couldn't believe it. Will of all people had come in to a million dollars. Well, technically he didn't just come in to the money. He blew the whistle on a doctor who was prescribing a procedure that didn't need to be done. You weren't supposed to know that, but then the FBI raided the Christmas party at Med earlier in the year on a night that you were a volunteer translator, so then Will had no choice but to tell you. (Jay had already known of course because he talked to Jay about this and kept you out of the loop because you were the little sister...and because you didn't have a career in law enforcement like Jay did.)

What you really couldn't believe was that Will had decided to buy an apartment building and fix it up and have people rent apartments there. You knew Will was somewhat handy because of what your dad had taught both him and Jay about fixing stuff, but you never saw him doing this. Jay, you could see because he was more hands-on, but Will was more brains in your opinion. 

But, despite your feelings about this, you finally had a chance to move out now. Will had two finished apartments, one for you and one for him, and another one that was semi-finished. And, on top of all this, Will said that he'd be nice enough to not make you pay rent if you promised to focus on school and getting good grades and not waste all the money you earned from your job. 

You could do that.

So, that was how you were spending your weekend in your apartment: working and studying.

You heard a knock on the door and walked up to answer it. You looked in the peephole like Jay had drilled into your head and then opened the door. It was only Will. 

"What's up?" you asked. "I'm a little busy studying for finals, here."

Now that he lived next door, he wouldn't text you (or Jay) that he was coming over like he used to. He'd just knock on your door, which was frustrating when you were in the zone of a study session and had to stop.

"Listen, I need to tell you something and you can't tell Jay," he told you and quickly closed the door. 

You raised an eyebrow. Not tell Jay? What kind of parallel universe was this? Jay and Will were usually the ones keeping secrets from you! Not the other way around. 

"I'm listening," you said and smirked and crossed your arms over your chest. You were assuming Will did something dumb, idiotic, and illegal if he didn't want you telling Jay. Hopefully, he wasn't getting involved with the mob or the FBI...again. He'd already been involved with the FBI twice. You thought he would've learned his lesson by now.

"Okay, so there's this girl. Her name's Milena and she's an undercover cop. She's staying in the semi-finished apartment across from us. Normally, I wouldn't let her stay, but she knows Dylan and Dylan trusts her, so I'm letting her stay here."

"Okay? And what does this have to do with me?"

"If you don't feel safe with her here, I can tell her she needs to find somewhere else to stay," he explained. 

You laughed. "Will, it's fine. What? Are you gonna come to me with all of your tenants who have a criminal history and ask if I'm comfortable with them staying here?"

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