Titanic AU

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A/N: The last like 1.5k words are unedited because I wanted to get this out to you guys, so if there are any typos, I apologize in advance. Please remember to vote and comment as I love hearing what you think! Enjoy!

April 10, 1912

"A kitty!" you yelled excitedly and pointed to the cat walking down the gangway with a kitten in her mouth. "She has a baby, too!"

You made a move to chase after the mama cat and her baby when Jay quickly grabbed your hand.

"Y/N, what did I say earlier?" Jay asked sternly. He couldn't have you running about with this many people around. Plus, if you ran around who's to know when he'd find you, and by then, the ship of dreams could've left and you and he would have to wait around for another ship to go see Will in America.

"Stay by you," you answered, while still longingly looking at the cat as it trotted away.

"Exactly. So, you stay with me. I know you want to see the cat, but we can't right now, okay? You'll probably see them in New York anyway."

"They have kitties there? Where Will is?" you asked, looking up at your big brother with wide, curious eyes.

"Of course, they have kitties in New York, silly. They have kitties everywhere."

"Cat runnin' off the ship," a man said from behind you and Jay, "that there's a bad omen."

"What does that mean?" you asked. "Are- Are we in trouble?"

Great, now he's done it, Jay thought to himself. "No, pumpkin, it's just what some people think. Me and you don't think that. We're not in trouble and we're perfectly safe."

You nodded and then continued to take in your surroundings while you took a step forward in the line.

"Sorry about that," the man said from behind Jay. Jay turned to look at him. "Didn't know you had your daughter with ya or else I wouldn't have said anything. Didn't mean to scare the little lady."

"Appreciate the apology," Jay said. "And, she's my sister, not my daughter."

The man nodded. "I'm Adam. What stateroom ya in? I'm in 28."

Jay glanced down at his and your tickets. "We're in 28 as well."

"Looks like we'll be bunking together for the time being. And don't worry, I'll be totally civil since there's a child."

Jay was about to say something when you pulled on his sleeve to get his attention and started pointing. "Jay Jay, look! There's a car in the air!"

Jay looked where you were pointing and chuckled. Sure enough, the crew was using a system of ropes of pulleys to get a car--no doubt someone's from first-class--onto the ship.

"I see that," he said.

Then, you continued pointing things out that were interesting to you that were getting hauled onto the ship.

"Why they gotta look through our hair, Jay Jay?" you asked once you were almost at the front of the line for the health inspections.

"To make sure we didn't have bugs in them," Jay answered.

"I don't have bugs in my hair!" you protested. "I didn't even play outside today and you helped me wash my hair yesterday!"

Jay chuckled at your response. "I know that. But, they just gotta be sure. They don't want anybody getting sick."

"Oh, okay." Then, you started to watch the first class people walk on the ship, the women wearing very pretty dresses. This kept you occupied until you and Jay got to the front of the line for health inspections.

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