Pirate AU

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A/N: I've been working on this one on and off since July. But, between moving out for the first time, full-time grad school, and working almost full-time, I'm finally getting it out now. Don't forget to vote and comment! Also, the italics are the "present" and the regular font is the story/"past". I just didn't want to write almost the whole thing in italics. 

Anyway, enjoy!

"The girls want a story," Duchess Natalie Halstead said to her husband, Duke Will Halstead, one night.

"And you can't tell them one because...?" Will trailed off and looked up from the letter he was writing.

"Because they say you do the voices better than me, and well, I agree on that front. So, if you would like our two lovely daughters to even think about sleeping tonight, I think you should come and tell them a story."

"How old do you think they'll have to be to go to bed without listening to a bedtime story?"

"I for one think it's adorable. Now please, I'd like to get out of this horrid corset in the next hour."

Will smirked, stood up, and pulled his wife close to him. "Only if you'll let me help you out of that corset later."

Natalie blushed. "Will, you scoundrel. Guess you've got some of your brother in you after all."

"More than just a little, love. But, I reckon you already know that."

He began kissing her, but she stopped him. "Will, the girls."

Will stopped and cleared his throat. "Right, yes. Bedtime story."

Natalie scoffed. "You men are so easily distracted, I sometimes wonder how you manage to wage war on each other."

"We have our moments of clarity. Plus, usually you're not around then to distract me."

Natalie rolled her eyes. "You're insufferable sometimes, do you understand that?"

"I do, but—"

"No, buts. C'mon."

Then, the two made their way to their oldest daughter's bedroom where both daughters were seated on the bed, impatiently awaiting a bedtime story.

"Daddy!" they squealed.

"Oh, will you tell us a bedtime story, pretty please?" The oldest asked.

He pulled up two chairs for he and his wife and then they both sat down.

"What will it be tonight?" Will asked.

"The pirate princess, oh please, Daddy!"

"Yes! The pirate princess, please!"

Natalie laughed. This was the one the girls always requested and Will must've told the story every week at this point.

But, Will would do anything to keep his daughters happy, so he began the story.

"Once upon a time, there were two girls and they were running..."

"Hailey!" you whisper-shouted. "Slow down!"

"We've got to hurry while it's still dark, Y/N. C'mon! And don't slip or else we'll be found out."

The two continued moving as fast as they could down the docks holding their skirts up so the dirty water wouldn't soak them.

They continued moving until they saw a ship with no torches lit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01 ⏰

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