Study Buddies

3.4K 49 18

A/N: I've had this idea for a while now. And, it's a shorter one, but I hope you enjoy it. Thank you guys so much for 50k reads! (I also wanted to post this today because I hit that 50k reads today, so as a thank you, I figured I'd post it.) Finally, please remember to vote and comment!

You sat at your desk taking a quiz for a class. Most of the answers you could find in your notes, but some you must've zoned out on because you couldn't figure out the answer. Maybe they were--

"Y/N," you were snapped out of your thoughts of where to find the answer by Jay knocking on your bedroom door and saying your name.

"Yeah?" you asked, turning your chair away from your desk. 

"Can I come in?" he asked. 

"Yeah," you answered. 

He had what looked like a textbook in his hand, along with a cup of coffee and a water bottle. "Want some company?"

"Why?" you asked. He never asked you if you wanted company to study. 

"Well, Hailey's gone."

Hailey was on a two-week girls trip to Mexico with Vanessa, Kim, the girls of 51, and Stevie. She had just left this morning and you didn't think Jay would get lonely this fast. But, he was whipped for that girl, so you guessed it was expected that he missed her so much.

"Aw, lonely already? You love her so much, it's cute."

Jay rolled his eyes. "Haha, very funny."

"You better hope she doesn't cheat on you while she's there."

"She wouldn't so that."

"I don't know." You smiled. "If I had the chance to meet a cute Mexican boy who would call me mami while we were having--"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence if I were you."

"God! Sex is natural, Jay! And you know I was just kidding...maybe."

"Okay, let's just drop the sex talk. It's not a conversation I want to be having with my little sister. At all."

"Okay, then why do you want to keep me company while studying?" you challenged. 

"Because I'm studying for the sergeant's exam and figured we could study together. And you're always doing homework or going to school, so I figured having someone to do it with you might make you happy."

You smiled and nodded, grateful that you had such a thoughtful big brother. 

"Can I sit here?" he asked, pointing to your bed that was actually made for once.

"Sure. But the only rule I have for this is that you need to be out of here by 11:00 because I want to read and then go to bed by midnight."

"Yes, ma'am," he joked.

He propped up your pillows and leaned against them and opened his textbook while you went back to taking your quiz...and trying to find the answer to the multiple-choice question. 

"Hey, question," you started, and Jay looked up from where he was skimming the table of contents of the textbook. "What's heroin?"

"An illegal drug. And I swear to god, Y/N, if you're doing that--"

"Chill, I'm not! I'd never do that! Jesus, it's like you don't even know me," you joked. "I just need to know what kind of drug it is."

"Oh, heroin?" You nodded. "It's an opioid."

"Thank you. 

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"Taking a quiz. But the prof said we can use our notes and stuff like that, so it's fine."

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