Halstead Headcanons Pt. 2

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A/N: Hey, guys! I wrote some more headcanons on my tumblr this weekend and figured I'd share them with you on here! I'll show the original request and then the imagine. Enjoy! And don't forget to vote and comment!

Request from anonymous: For Halstead!Sister what about where she has a problem and doesn't want to go to her brothers so she goes to Hailey. would be cool to see the dynamic in their relationship

God, you were gonna be late. It was one of your last classes of the semester and you didn't want to be late. The parking lot was packed and it was freezing. You wanted to get a spot as close to the road as you could so that you wouldn't have to walk as far because it's damn cold in Chicago in the winter.

There! You saw a spot!

You quickly put your car in reverse and then put it in drive.

The open spot was small, but your car was small, too. You could make it.

You started to pull in...

And then you heard a screeching sound of metal on metal.


A million thoughts on what to do raced through your head.

You could just leave and go park somewhere else. It was a parking lot, how would the driver know? People's cars get hit by strangers in parking lots all the time.

But, then again, people probably saw you. And, you knew most college kids would mind their own business because everyone had so much on their plate already, but you were still worried.

You assumed there were cameras facing the parking lot.

The person could easily go to the school and tell them what happened and then they'd get your license plate and you'd have to pay for damages...if there were any.

And then your car insurance would go up and you wanted to buy a new car soon and hitting someone else's car in a parking lot didn't look good for convincing Jay or Will to co-sign on a loan to get a new car...

Ugh, fuck! It was only a few hours into your day and it already fucking sucked.

Then you had another thought: Jay and Will.

How would they react?

Despite being a few years over the age of becoming a legal adult, they'd still probably be pissed at you. They wouldn't take away your keys because you needed your car to get to work, but they would not be happy at all.

You pulled into another parking spot and found a piece of paper and a pencil in your glove compartment.

You were always taught to leave a note if you hit someone's car and they weren't there. That way, you wouldn't be charged with a hit and run.

So, you scribbled down the following note:

Hey, I bumped your car a bit trying to pull into a spot. I don't see any damages, but if you have any questions, feel free to call me at (XXX)-XXX-XXXX. Sorry!

~Y/N Halstead.

Then, you grabbed your backpack and coffee and got out of your car.

You made your way over to the car you hit and surveyed the car once more: you saw a scratch and you weren't sure if that was there before or after. Besides, it was an old piece of shit blue car. You considered your car a piece of shit (but hey, it still got you from point A to point B) and knew that if someone hit your car in a parking lot and scratched it, you wouldn't care to get it fixed because you wanted a new car soon and wouldn't be able to justify getting a new paint job for that reason.

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