Brady and Burdens

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These plotlines were requested from @beckaroo89 and an anon on Tumblr! @beckaroo89, I hope you enjoy!

Also, this is not proofread because I wanted to get this posted and then go to bed because I have classes in the morning, so that's why there might grammar/spelling errors. Finally, please remember to vote and comment!


When Jay walked into Brady, a home for troubled girls who had nowhere else to go, or the foster system had chewed them up and spit them back out, he just expected it to be a normal undercover case. No more, no less. He had been undercover many times, it was nothing new. 

He was being shown around the place by his new "supervisor", Vince, when there was a call over the speaker. 

"All staff report to a fight in the cafeteria immediately. Fight in the cafeteria. All staff please report."

Jay and Vince sprinted into the cafeteria. 

It reminded Jay of a high school cafeteria. Normal. Except, two girls were fighting. Typically, at the high school he and Will had gone to, it was typically the boys who got in fistfights with each other. But, he knew that if girls were fighting, then the anger had been bubbling up for a while. Basically, it would take a lot to pull these two apart.

"You know restraints?" Vince asked. 

So, Jay faked it. His background for this UC gig was that he used to work at his uncle's auto shop. You don't learn restraints there. 

He scoffed. "No."

"Then improvise," Vince told him. 

Luckily for Jay, he did know the way to properly restrain a minor. Because, if he didn't and a girl got hurt, he and Brady would face a mountain of lawsuits. And, if a girl got hurt very badly, something that resulted in her death or a very serious injury, Jay could face jail time. 

But, he knew proper restraints, so it was okay. 

"Bitch! You're a little bitch!" a girl yelled and spat--literally she spit--in your face.

"Go to hell!" you yelled.

All Jay could see was the back of a girl with jeans and a t-shirt, but he would know your voice anywhere. 

And, at the moment, your back was to him so you had no idea that Jay was here. You knew they didn't give a damn about you. Whether that was because they told the social worker that or because the social worker didn't bother to contact either of them. Either way, Will and Jay had no idea that you were out of your dad's care.

"You're done!" Jay yelled as he pulled your arms behind you and hooked his arms through at the space where your elbows were. "You're done!"


"Ryan! You got her?" Vince asked. 

"Ryan?" you yelled above the noise of all the other girls yelling about the excitement of the fight. "What the hell are you--"

"I'm giving everyone three seconds to stop talking!" Vince yelled. He counted to three in his head. "Good. Next person who moves or yells is getting a level docked!" He lowered his voice and turned to Jay. "I'll take her to a room to go process, you take her?" Jay nodded. "She seems pretty calm at the moment, so just find an empty classroom. No need for a time-out room."

"Got it," Jay answered.

He released his hold on you, but kept on hand on your bicep, just like he would if he were leading a suspect to the backseat of his truck. 


"What did he just say?" Jay questioned. "Be quiet or you'll get a level docked. Last chance."

You shut your mouth. Maybe this was just Jay's doppelganger. But, he sounded like him, too. This was more like Jay's twin.

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