Cut Off

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A/N Thank you for reading and don't forget to vote and comment! Sorry this one took so long! Also, the second half of this isn't proofread because I have to go to bed earlier than normal because I have to be at work at the crack of dawn tomorrow. I just wanted to get this one out to you guys since I haven't posted in a while. So, if you see errors in the second half, that's why.

TW for prostitution and rape.

Today was the day. It was the day you were finally going to tell your dad you didn't want to go into medicine...and the day you knew you'd probably be kicked out. Because, if Jay being kicked out and quickly enlisting in the army was any indication, the same thing would happen to you.

This hadn't happened to Will because he went to school to become a doctor. But, he moved to Chicago because he didn't enjoy being a plastic surgeon anymore, leaving you stranded in New York with your dad who was a workaholic doctor and only approved of his kids if they followed in his footsteps.

You didn't get it really. Your dad was a successful doctor; he didn't need to live vicariously through his children, yet here you were.

You took a deep breath.

"Dad," you started as you walked inside after your last class of the day. It was the last class of your freshman year actually and it was one of the rare afternoons that your dad wasn't working.

He looked up at you. "Yeah? How'd your exam go?"

"It went okay...I think." You pulled out a chair at the kitchen table and sat down across from him.

"Well, hopefully, you did better than okay because they don't accept just anybody into med school."

Here goes nothing, you thought.

"Dad, I'm changing my major."

He furrowed his brow. "To what? Organic chemistry or anatomy instead of biology?"

"No, psychology." Maybe with a minor in English because you liked to write and read or maybe a minor in another language, too...but, he didn't need to know that.

"I'm sorry. I think I heard you wrong. I think you meant to say psychiatry and not psychology. And that's fine because you're still a doctor. You just have to make sure you get matched to a psychiatry residency after med school."

"No, I mean psychology. You know, sort of like social work, but with more schooling and a bit more science."

"I'd take more than just a second to think this through, young lady."

You stood up. "I have thought this through!" you yelled. You couldn't take it anymore. "I hate science and lab classes and I hate blood and I hate surgeries cause they're gross! I can't be like you and Will! I just can't!"

He stood up as well. "Then you'll have to be like Jay. Pack a bag. Get out of my house."

You knew that was coming, so you already had a bag packed upstairs and ready to go. So, you turned on your heels and went upstairs and grabbed it. Then, you grabbed your phone and phone charger, and your car keys.

"If I can't have a dad who respects and accepts my career choices, then I don't want one at all," you said sadly as you walked into the kitchen.

You'd prepared yourself for this, but it didn't mean it hurt any less.

"Give me your phone and keys," was all he said.

"Wh- what?" you faltered.

"You heard me. Give me your phone and keys. I pay for the data on your phone and the insurance on your car. Therefore, these two things are mine. And since you don't want me as your dad, I will take them from you."

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