Im Koa, Im Lucas

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Koa come on we're going to be late to the party" I heard my best friend Soo yell from the living room. I rolled my eyes and checked on my outfit one last time. "I'm done grumpy, let's go before parking is filled" she looked up before walking out the door and smiled at me. "What" she shrugged and smiled widely. "You look beautiful that's all" I smiled and put my arm around her. "Come on let's go and have a good time idiot". And with that being said we made our way to the party.

"Wow it's so many people here" I stated with a disgusted face as I watch people make out and grind against each other. "Yeah and most are hot, Let's go party" Soo said before running down the isle and threw the chaotic crowd. I on the other hand proceeded to find us a closed off area; where there's less people.

I finally found one and continued to mind my own business, and boy was it hard as people tried making conversation or staring.

"Excuse Me but I happen to see you from afar and you look lonely, Mind if I could possibly join you?" A young male asked while handing me a drink. I smiled and shook my head, "I'm sorry my friend should be -

"Yeah okay" he bluntly said cutting me off, while walking away chasing another girl. I rolled my eyes and sat back. I scanned around the room for Soo but, my eyes soon came to a stop across the room.

Where I saw a guy sitting and drinking, lightly tapping his head to the beat. He then turned his head and I slowly tilted my head to see if I can analyze him better. But surly after staring for what felt like seconds. I noticed he was already looking at me. I looked down and felt my cheeks heat up.

I casually looked up again and saw that he wasn't there anymore.

Dang It, maybe I scared him.

"Hey Ko, why are you just sitting? You look beautiful, and the guys are really hot as well. You should be dancing right now, you know with one of them" Soo said as she came up the stairs and to the sitting area. I shook my head, "I'm good I'm not looking, plus if your having fun then so am I" she smacked her teeth and leaned back. "I'll let it slide because at lease you came this time, but I have something to tell you" I nodded and looked at her. "I met this guy named Dante, and we really hit it off on the dance floor. He wants to take me to the bar downtown." She explained while grabbing my hands.

"I don't know Soo, you just met him" she sighed, "he goes to our school he knows me from around there. I just never noticed, so technically we know of each other. Plus he's sweet, he didn't even try to grind up against me or touch me on the floor" I snatched my hands away.

"That don't mean trust him Soo but if your going with him then how will I get home then" she opened her mouth to say something
but was interrupted.

"I'll take her, if that's okay with you of course" we both heard a deep smooth voice suggest. We turned and saw the guy I was staring at from a minute ago. "Wow your hot, I'm Soo and THIS is my beautiful best friend Koa" he smiled and nodded before walking over more now standing directly in front of us. Soo stood us both up and pushed me near him. "Have fun I'm leaving now, see you later love you!" She yelled while running away.

"You little-" I whispered.

"I'm sorry" I looked up and noticed the guy was still here, And that I was still so close. "I'm Lucas by the way" wow he introduced himself without me asking, that's a first. I looked up and nodded with narrow eyes.

He noticed I was looking at him and gave me a smile to die for.

This is going to be a long yet interesting night..

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