Isn't That-???

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"Are you seriously asking me which superhero I prefer to be family with?" I asked with the biggest smile on my face. "That's a hard question, not many people can answer that" James said laughing at my reaction. "Okay definitely Tony Stark. And not just because he's rich or anything. It's because no Matter what it was, he was always ten steps ahead of everyone and everything. He had complete control over his life and what happens to him. I would love to live that life" I explained.

'It's been two month and I've been spending my time working on myself and having fun with friends, little more with James. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying myself while with him. But I knew it was to fast to try anything again. But I know that if I keep going down this path something is bound to happen....and neither of us is preparing for it.'

"I mean he's cool and all but I'm more of an ant man guy. I mean the man crests half the shit he has and not to mention he talks to freaking ants." I laughed and continued our walk to the courtyard as we pick up our cap and gown for tomorrow graduation. Once we made it we saw everyone trying them on. "So does this look nice on me?" Soo asked giving me a twirl and bow. I smacked my teeth and nodded. "Here I found yours" she handed me mine and I thanked her. I turned around and watched as my friends laugh and talk.

'Tomorrow is graduation and I should be completely happy. All of my friends are here, we all are going to companies literally next door to each other's. But the only thing....the only person I was thinking about was Lucas. Ever since what happened last time, we haven't talked nor spoke to each other once, other then a voice message he sent me. Because of what all happened I'm afraid of what he's going to say. I always asked Dante but he always say the same thing; that he's doing just fine.....
I just wish thing's ended different then maybe we could've been here all together smiling and laughing...together'

"Who's that?"
"He's so hot!"
"Doesn't he look familiar?"
"Isn't that-
"No way"

I heard random people whisper as a guy walk from behind me, totally passing me right up walking to the table for cap and gown. Once he got his he soon turned around. I was trying to get a better look when I notice something in his wrist. He was walk dangerously close till he stopped noticing someone was in front of him. He then looked up seeing through his thick eyelashes, and at that moment my life took a drastic turn again..


We both said at the same time as we made eye contact not daring to break it. "Koa hey why--Lucas?" Soo said coming over but soon stopped seeing Lucas. Soon everyone was looking at us in silence. "Lucas" we heard Dante say causing us to look at him with tears in his eyes. Lucas smiled and nodded. Dante then proceed to give Lucas a big hug, followed up with everyone else except me. He had small chats with everyone as I stood back and watched him. He grew over the month, not just physically but more so his aura. His skin looked more smoother then last seen. His eyes were more open, not dark and scary.

His smile got wider and his shoulders more rounded giving his body a more buff silhouette and defined outline. I broke out of daze when I noticed he was laughing more. He then looked at me causing me to give a small smile and wave. Causing his smile to slowly fade and quickly look away. "I should go, I'll meet you all tomorrow at the entrance" he stated before saying his goodbyes to everyone. I watched as he walked away meeting a man in an all black suit at the door. He walked out not looking back.

"Koa are you okay?" James asked causing everyone to look at me. I shook my head causing everyone to look at me worried now. "I'm hungry can we go eat now?" They laughed and nodded. I smiled and followed behind as we exit the school front doors.

For the last time....

Sorry this one is a little shorter but I'm trying to not put much details that's not needed. Also I'm trying to get through college and into the real world.

XoXo !!! :)

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