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"So the whole point of the circle is to show -

I'm recently sitting in class. Thinking why haven't Lucas contacted me yet, it's been hours since the kiss and I'm going crazy. 'What if he doesn't like me? What if it was a bad kiss? Was it a bad kiss? Ughhhhh, I'm so stupid.' "Okay class is dismissed but before you go I have some news. You all will be graduating soon which means our last project will be coming soon. And it will be a one page paper over anything you want. But there's a catch, you must include a picture and last but not least. It must come from the heart. What does it mean to you? How does it affect you? Does it hurt and make you cry? Or does it make you smile ear from ear? That's all bye everyone"

I gathered my things and exit the classroom. 'What does it mean to me?' What should I write my project on?

"KOA!" I turned to see Soo, Star, and Rose running to me. I smiled and opened my arms for them. They jumped in my arms and we all started laughing. "Oh my god Koa you look absolutely gorgeous!." Rose said I smiled and thanked her before we all made our way to the lunch room. "GIRLS!" we all turned to see Leo, Dante, Tae, James, and Lucas sitting at the table with food. We made our way over and sat down. "You guys look beautiful" James said to everyone but when I looked up he was looking at me. I smiled and looked at the food, "We ordered food we might be on the field for a long time so eat up" Dante informed us. We thanked him and started eating.

I wanted to eat some strawberries but they were all the way at the end of the table. So I just got some grapes. When I placed them on my plate I noticed there was strawberries on my plate. I looked around the table until my eyes landed on him.

Lucas nodded and and continued to talk to the guys. I smiled and started to eat, "Koa what about you? We're all going out to this night club. Every Friday it has a theme and tonight it's love. It'll be fun for sure, so you in?" Leo explained/asked. I nodded and looked at Lucas who was texting on his phone. He then rolled his eyes and looked at me. I quickly looked down and continued eating.

"Guys we have to go it's picture time" Star said fixing her lipstick. I nodded and started cleaning my area. Once I was about to throw it in the trash Lucas took my trash and threw it away. I followed behind him as we both then started to make our way to the filed.

We were yet again walking in silence as our friends were in front of us laughing. I gazed at Lucas to see that he seemed a little tense and annoyed. "Are you okay?" He looked at me and sighed. "Yeah just thinking that's all." He stated putting his hands in his pocket. I nodded and caught up to everyone else. "OKAY EVERYONE THE CAMERA WILL CATCH EVERYONE SO PLEASE DON'T BE INAPPROPRIATE! OKAY ON THREE EVERYONE GET READY!!

We all hurried fixed ourselves and started to pose. I stood still and waited for the count so I could smile.



We all relaxed, "OMAY EVERYONE DO ANY POSE NOW HAVE FUN OKAY!" We nodded and started taking multiple pictures.

We are now on what felt like 100th picture and my feet are killing me. "LAST ONE EVERYONE THIS ONE WILL BE SEPARATE EVERYONE WILL GET A COPE AT GRADUATION SO MAKE IT COUNT!" I sighed and started to fix my hair and clothes again when I felt a hand pull me to the side. I looked up and saw Lucas and smiled. "What are you doing?" He smiled and put his hands on my waste. "Making it count" I smiled shaking my head looking down.



"Koa" I looked up and he did it...he kissed me.


I smiled in the kiss and pulled him closer. He slowly pulled away and kissed my forehead. "KOA!" He then pulled away quickly. I looked at him confused as Soo ran to me. "Let's go your riding with me Dante and Lucas." I nodded and we made our way to the cars. I sat in the back with of course Lucas. "Okay let's go and have fun!" Soo yelled we all laughed and agreed. As soon as the car started I began to lose myself looking out the window. I then felt Lucas put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him and he was looking out the window smiling.

'Does this make him feel happy? Do I give him satisfaction? When he kissed me I felt something. I felt wanted, needed even loved. He must like me right? I mean he smiled at me. He helps me, so cute gestures for me even walks me home not to mention we kiss like it normal.

But today when he pulled away as soon as Soo came it hurt me. What am I truly to him? I want to be more. Because....because I think I'm falling for him'

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