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"Koa wake up, we're going to walk around town" I heard Soo scream through the door. "KOAAAAA", I was about to get up when I heard the door open. "I'll get her up, we'll meet yo-

"I'll be there in a minute" I stated sitting up in bed. They all looked at me and nodded before leaving. I soon ran to the restroom and started to get ready for a beautiful day.

Lucas and I quickly walk down the stairs to see everyone laughing and talking. "Okay guys let's go" Dante said to everyone. Soo grabbed my hand and lead me out the house. But not before turning to see Lucas flirting with a random girl again. I rolled my eyes and continued walking with Soo and Dante.


We are currently walking around the small town when we see a escape room building. "Guys let's do this, it'll be so much fun" Soo suggested. He nodded and we all walked in the building. "Welcome everyone, the game is starting soon. You'll need a partner so once you have one please enter" everyone soon walked in. Leaving me and Lucas, I looked at him and he gave me a quick smile before walking in.

I followed and started looking around for clues. I was going to the next room when Lucas grabbed me. "Look" he pointed at the door which had oozing green stuff on the side. I walked away and quickly an through the door. I soon found a picture of a happy young couple. "I have one too" I turned to see Lucas holding the same picture. But the difference is that the girl was crying.

"They must have broke up" he nodded and we walked to the other side of the room. I watch as he quickly grabbed a peace of paper. He smiled and gave it to me. I scanned the paper to see that it was there names and numbers on it. "It could be a code. If you match the numbers with the letters" I nodded and helped him crunch the numbers. We finally finished and went to the lock door. Where it showed a green button ready to be pushed.

As soon as Lucas pushed the button walls started to move in. I began to panic when I noticed Lucas wasn't done putting in the code. "Lucas hurry" he sighed loudly and kept going. Everything that was in the room was now in a pile pushing against us. I moved closer to Lucas and grabbed his shirt. "Lucas please" he grabbed my waste and pulled me in front of him. I watch as the walls get closer and closed my eyes.

I soon heard a beep and the door was pushed opened. Lucas picked me up bride-style and walked us into the lobby. I opened my eyes and saw everyone in the lobby talking until they noticed us. "Koa are you okay?" Soo asked running to us. "Yeah just got a little scared" she nodded and moved so Lucas could sit me down. I sighed and began trying to regain my breath. "Everyone could go, well meet you all at the restaurant" Lucas assured them. They nodded and said their goodbyes.

Few minutes later we were walking down the streets on our way to the restaurant. "Koa about last nigh-

"I meant everything I said so don't worry about-

"Stop cutting my off, I was trying to say I'm sorry" I nodded and continued walking. "Koa I'm being serious" he said stopping causing me to stop and look at him. "How do I know your being serious or not? With you it's always a loophole." He sighed and walked closer. "Because I wouldn't be here, I would be somewhere else doing anything else. I wouldn't even be on this damn trip if it wasn't for you."

"No one told you to follow me nor did anyone want you here" I said calmly walking. He grabbed my arm aggressively and turned me towards him. I irritatedly pushed him away and watched as he stumbled back. He grunted and quickly regained his balance. I rolled my eyes being completely done with the situation and walked towards the restaurant which wasn't far.

Once I made it in I found everyone in the corner of the place laughing. I found a seat next to Dante and joined in on everything like nothing happened...


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