Im Not Leaving.

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It's been an whole hour of us just talking and having a good time, when I got an text. I checked my phone to see James contact. I looked up and saw him smiling at me. I opened the message.

'Hey are you okay? I saw you come in not long ago and you looked upset. And gave you seen Lucas'

'Yeah I'm fine just a little stressed that's all' choosing to ignore the question about him, after looking around the room to see him not here.

'Well tomorrow I was hoping we could hang out maybe get to know each better more'

'Can I think about it first?'

'Of course I'm not him, you have an option with me'

I immediately looked up and saw him with a sad smile and a worry look in his eyes. I looked down and continued texting.


'It's fine I won't ask but just don't let him control you okay'

I sighed and proceeded to put my phone while running my hand through my hair.


"Goodnight guys see you guys in the morning" Dante said carrying a drunk Soo to their room. I kissed her forehead goodnight and said my goodbyes before making my way to mine. I quickly walked in and shut the door. I walked to my bed and saw a small white box. I opened it and saw a beautiful necklace with a small sun and crescent on it. "I'm sorry" I heard Lucas say from across the room.

I turned to him and saw him sitting on his bed with a book in his hand. I looked at the necklace and back to him in a questionable state. He sighed and got out of bed, walking over to me. He grabbed the necklace and put it on me. "It's my way of saying sorry. I truly never try to hurt you" he said in a whisper. "Thank you it's pretty" I stated before walking near the mirror stand.

"Can I ask you a question?" I smiled and turned to him. "You just did" he smirked and put his hands in his pockets. "Is there something between you and James?" My smiled dropped and once he noticed his did to. "That must mean yes" he implied. I shook my head and folded my arms. "We're just friends, if that's even your business." He nodded.

"But I'm sure he likes you and...maybe you feel the same"he continued to imply.

"I never said I liked him" he smiled. "But I never said I didn't either" he then let out a slight laugh and started walking to me slowly. "So you do like him, so-you have feelings for him?" I huffed. "I don't see how any of this has anything to do with you" I stated walking back only to hit the stand.

He then stopped leaving a very gap in between us. He bring his hand up over my cheek and slowly ran his fingers over my lower lip. "Do you have feelings for me? Or do you really hate me?" He asked pushing my hair away from my eye. I looked up and made eye contact noticing that they were more empty and void then usual. "Everything that you doing'll regret in the morning." I stated before trying to push away from him. Only for him to pick me up and put me on top of the mirror stand, which only made me a inch taller.

"Is that what your worried about?" He asked in disbelief.

"You always do. You make me feel wanted and loved for a whole day or night, even a moment. Then you pull away and make me feel like I was nothing to you. That it was a mistake or like it never happened. Like I'm nothing but another girl on your list" I blurted out causing tears to fall. I noticed he wasn't saying anything until I looked up and saw him looking at me.

"I promise" he calmly yet firmly said while moving closer if possible. "What?"

"I won't leave you, I'll be here in the morning. I'll be by your side tomorrow and I'll be with you the day after and after that and even after that. Koa I won't leave you again, I thought leaving would make things better; to keep you safe . But I was only hurting you more....I'm sorry" he explained.

"Keep me safe from what?" I asked wanting to know more.

"From me" he simply said not breaking eye contact, keeping a soft yet stern face and expression.

I was to caught up in my thoughts not noticing that I was grabbing his shirt pulling him closer. The more our faces got closer the more I could feel my heart beating faster and yearning for him. His hands slowly slid up my legs. Making goosebumps form down my spine. I soon connected our lips causing him to squeeze my thigh. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled my upper body closer to his. He soon pulled away looking at me with concern.

I then pulled him closer but he didn't budge making me frustrated. "Are you sure about this" he asked. I nodded and tried pulling him closer just for him to stop me again. "Koa, please think about this....I can't promise you I won't hurt you or make your cry. Like all these perfect guys do. I'll make mistakes, I'm not perfect. But the last thing I want is for you to hate me and regret it" he said wearing his heart on his heart on his sleeve. I smiled and kissed him again. In between the kiss I went to his ear giving it a slow kiss. "I love you Lucas...I'm in love with you" he quickly pulled back and stared at me, causing me to smile and run my hands through his hair.

He pulled me into a passionate kiss and picked me up carrying me to his bed. I smiled in the kiss causing him to get more access. "I hope forever" he whispered in my ear. I nodded and pulled his shirt over his head along with mine. "Forever" I said before attaching our lips once again.

'That night I gave him all of me again. I keep thinking maybe he's just playing me again or maybe I'm just stupid for believing him. But somethings different and if I'm right I can't wait to spend the rest of my days with him....forever'

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