Life With A Twist.

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"No peeking" I laughed and continued following Lucas as I hold his hands as he pulled me. "Okay stop and open now" I opened my eyes to see the fashion design building complete. I ran in and started to look around instantly. I ran back in the front room to see him smiling. "Lucas it's so beautiful, when did it finish?" He shrugged, "actually finished days ago I just wanted to make sure it was the right time to show you" I clapped both my hands and ran to hug him. He picked me up and turned in circles causing me to laugh more.

He put me down and stared deeply in my eyes bringing his hand to put a peace of hair behind my ear. "So beautiful" he whispered causing chills to go down my back. He then started leaning down trying to kiss me. I began walking forward pushing him backwards. Only for him to sit down on a low table. I snaked my arm around his shoulders and pulled him closer closing his eyes.

"I love you" I blurted out causing him to open his eyes and giving a smirk. "You promise?" he playfully asked. I rolled my eyes, "I hope Forever" he smiled and connected our lips.

----later that day---

"Lucas I can't find the knives" I yelled from the kitchen. He came down the stairs and helped me grab the knives. Seconds later we heard the elevator ding showing someone coming up. "Did you invite someone?" He asked causing me to shake my head. We both moved to the elevator waiting to see who it was.

Once the door opened our hearts jumped out our chest....

"Hello Son"


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