It's Fine

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"I see you brought your-friend."she said annoyed. I looked down and sighed causing Lucas to give a light squeeze. "We we're about to leave, I'll contact you later" he informed her. He started walking us away when something unsuspected happened. One of the guards pulled me from him and two others grabbed Lucas holding him away from me. "Why must you make me upset?" He lowly grunt while trying to get loss. "Let's go some where private, yes?" She asked smiling. I looked at Lucas and he nodded.

They let us go and he quickly made it to my side pulling me close. We then followed them to an closed off area. "You know people would take a hint the first time someone makes it noticed that there not wanted." She said turning to look at me.

"Talk to me not her, is it something you need?" She nodded and showed him a picture. It was me and him talking that night. "I thought I've made myself clear that night but obviously I didn't" he sighed. "Why must you make me out to be the bad guy. I gave you specific orders and you cold heartedly disobeyed me. 'Stay away from her, make sure your never seen together. Make this your last time seeing her.'And now we're here, with her clinging on to you. Tell me, What do you think I should do son?" Lucas then stepped in front of me again and put his arm around me.

"Leave them alone, she originally came with me. I just wanted to see what Lucas would do." Lola said eating a peace of cake as she walked in. Her mother than nodded and sat down in a chair. "Why would you care about him, you never did. Plus this is an important night for us. No one invited her, not to mention what people would say about her. They would associate her with us and I hate to be talked about" Lola put the cake down and folded her arms.

"No one cares about what we do nor about who we talk t-

"I do, everything I built would be thrown away if I didn't. We're here because of me, because of me you matter. And if I said leave the trash alone that's exactly what I mean." I sighed and moved from behind Lucas. "Look I'm sorry I showed up unannounced but-

"No one asked you to speak." She said standing up.

"Well I'm not sure I can hold it in more. One, I didn't show up uninvited, your daughter invited me. Two, I don't really care if you don't like me. Three, Lucas was simply helping me from a guy. I was about to leave when you caught up to us."Koa" Lola said lowly before coming to me taking my hand. "You both have grown fond of it, maybe I won't hurt it-

"I have a name"I blurted out causing her the walk closer. "I'm well aware" she stated looking from me to Lucas and Lola. "Let's hope this last, how long will she be able to keep up." She finished before walking back to her seat.Lucas then left my side walking to her more. "No leave her out of this. It's between us three that's --

"I don't care, I gave you plenty of time to get run of her and yet you can't seem to comprehend well. So now she's part my world. Let's hope the poor thing can survive longer then the last one" She stated making Lucas back away from her slowly. He huffed and turned to me grabbing my back neck and walking us out. I looked up and saw his eyes sparkling with tears, but not daring letting it fall.

"LUCAS" we heard Lola yell running to us. "Lucas let me go and sighed. "Lucas don't worry I'll talk-

"Take her home meet me at our spot after." Lola nodded not asking questions and began to lead me away. I pulled away and ran back to Lucas hugging him. I could tell he was taken back for second but soon hugged back. "I'm really sorry" I whispered. "I won't let her hurt you" he said kissing my inner neck before walking away. "Come on Koa it's getting late" Lola said. I nodded and followed her.


"Koa I'm really sorry about what happened I didn't really think it would go this far." I nodded and smiled, "it's fine but why is she like that. Does she treat you both like that everyday?" She sighed an looked at me. "Yeah ever since we were born, and since Lucas is the only boy he gets it worse. But enough of all that, go and get some sleep I'm sorry for getting your into all of this I really should've thought about everything more."

"It's fine I hope I see you again" she nodded and we said our goodbyes. I walked into my building; making my way into my apartment. I walked in and saw Halo sitting in front of the door. I bent down to him and smiled. "Halo I have so much to tell you" he meowed as he jumped on me.


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