Girl please

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This whole week me and Lucas have been spending enormous time together everyday. Not to mention the amount of sex and dates we had. I truly can't remember the last time I was ever this happy or even near this happy. "Koa come on everyone's waiting" Lucas yelled from the door. I ran out the bathroom after making sure my outfit was okay. I ran out the door and met Lucas who was on his phone. Once he saw me he quickly put his phone away. Which he's been doing this whole week actually.

"Come" he said grabbing my hand and the bags. We made our way downstairs where we saw Soo and Dante already there. "Hey I missed you so much" she said jumping on me. "You do know I was just upstairs right?" She nodded and pulled us away from the boys. "Okay tell me all about it, I saw you two hand in hand a few seconds ago" she said folding her arms. "Oh Soo he is just amazing and romantic yet firm and manly. He's everything I wanted and more." She squealed and hugged me. "What are you two getting all happy about?" Dante asked sitting next to Soo. Lucas soon did the same sitting next to me.

"Koa and Lucas are officially going out" she said eagerly causing Dante to laugh. "I know babe lover boy told me the day they started, he wouldn't shut up about it" we all laughed causing Lucas to blush and pull me closer.

"Okay everyone load the buses please time to head home" P.Nick announced causing everyone to make there way to the buses. Once we were on the buses Lucas immediately went and sat with Dante. Of course Soo doing, "so do you think it's a long term thing or just in the moment?" I looked at her confused. Causing her to half smile and hold my hand. "Your my best friend the last thing I want is for you to be hurt." She explains

"I know how much he means to you but just don't get to ahead okay. If anything happens tell me" I smiled and nodded before she laid her head on my shoulder. I turned to see Lucas on his phone again smiling this time. He then turned to me and put it down giving me a smile. I smiled back and he simply started talking to Dante again.


We soon reached the school grounds and quickly fetch our things. "I'll pull around the car wait here okay." I nodded and he quickly ran away causing my heart to jump. "Hey Koa right?" I turned to see Sara. I nodded and half smiled. Knowing that she had sex with Lucas don't sit right with me. "Great could you tell me where I could find Lucas he's not returning my calls." I smiled and glanced over to see him driving up. She noticed and smiled as well, he got out the car and once he saw her his smile dropped.

"Sara hey what's up?" She smiled walking closer to him causing him to back up. "I wanted to see you, you've been gone for a whole week and let's just say I've been needy" I quickly looked at her and back to Lucas causing him to sigh. He grabbed our bags and put them in the backseat. He then grabbed me and walked me to the passenger side. "Give me a minute?" I nodded and got in.

I let the window down and listened to their conversation. "Why are you with her?" He sighed. "Please don't tell me she's the girl your mother is talking about. Lucas are you sleeping with her?" She asked in disbelief and dissatisfaction. "What no of course not, she likes me and I'm--just trying to be nice okay. Now please leave and don't show up to my school again. I'll see you at home we'll talk there."

'There it was...the truth..
I was yet dumb enough to believe him once again.
What an idiot.'

I was in thought until I heard the door shut. I turned to see Lucas reversing and leaving the schools grounds. I made one glance at the review mirror seeing Sara smiling with her head tilted. "I didn't know she was-

"Your still seeing her?" I asked getting straight to the point.

"What! No of course not, you heard her I haven't answered her calls all week. I've been with you all week how could I even do that" he asked half mad and irritated. I simply stated quiet until I reached home. Once I was home I quickly got out grabbing my bangs. "KOA!" He screamed getting out the car, running to me. "Koa stop okay don't let her ruin this for us okay. We were just fine, we were okay please." He begged grabbing my upper arms. "Was she the one that you've been texting this whole week? If not then who?, and why did you tell her that you weren't seeing me?" He sighed.

"Koa do you seriously not trust me?" He asked hurt or should I say fake hurt.


He sighed and looked me in my eyes. "Yes and no, I was also texting my sister. She and I been keeping tabs on mother. To make sure she doesn't hurt you or anything. Sara is the girl she's prepared for me since I was a kid. Now that I'm responsible for her precious little company. She wants my wife to match my label or similar which is Sara. It's only natural that it's her."

"So I'm not good enough to be by your side?" He looked confused before quickly shaking his head. "That's not what I meant Koa" he tried to explain before I sighed. "I know what you meant, it's fine do what you want." I walked up to the gate only to be pulled back and kissed. I automatically closed my eyes and melted into him. He soon let go and sighed seeing me calm. "She's absolutely nothing to me. I just do t want mother hurting you or anyone in that matter. Just please try to understand and corporate with me okay? But understand stand this...I'm NEVER letting you go...EVER." He said kissing me again.

I smiled and nodded giving him a peck. "Want to sleep over? I'm sure Halo Misses you" he smiled and went to grab his bags. Surly coming back; grabbing mine as well.


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