Never Had One...

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Then next day was really lovely yet anxious. I was spending the day with James and so far I've never smiled and laughed so much in months. "What about if Tony Stark and Dr. Strange came right in front of you and asked for help, who would you pick?" I shrugged, "first off I'll be highly afraid, if the real iron man and a wizard that guard the gate for time, asked me a normal human being for help" he laughed and took at sip of his drink. We are currently in the living room drinking and eating breakfast before leaving.

"Hey? what you guys doing up so early?" Soo asked giving me a quick hug before grabbing something to eat. I turned to see everyone else slowly but surely walking in....including Lucas. We both made eye contact before I quickly broke it and continued eating again. I glanced at James and he was already looking at me. I smiled as I felt my cheeks burning. "Cute" He whispered causing me to, roll my eyes. "Are you ready?" I nodded immediately and watch as he cleaned our area. "See you guys later" he said giving Dante, Leo, and Tae a handshake. I waved goodbye to everyone and started making our way to the front door.

Only for me to get pulled to a stop. I turned around to see Lucas. "Can we talk, it's important" he asked. "I don't have-

"Please I'll be quick" I sighed as I watch him beg with pleading eyes. I turned back to see James simply watching with a supplicated look on his face. I sighed turning back to Lucas, "I'll see you later" then pulled my arm from him and making my return back to James side. Who stood there and had a stare off with Lucas who didn't look too pleased.

"James" he soon snapped out of his trance and grabbed my hand pulling me towards the door. Once we made it out let go of my hand sighed in frustration. "Sorry I didn't mean to-

"It's okay" he nodded and smiled. "So what do you want to do today? I'm all yours, so whatever you want I'm down" I stated as we walk down to his car. He walked to the passenger side and opened the door for me, causing me to slightly laugh. Followed with a 'thank you' before getting in. He soon followed action and started up the car.


We soon made a complete stop at a beautiful view over the city. We got out and walked to see a table set with lights and food. I turned to see James only to be met with a flash. Once my vision focused, I noticed he indeed had a camera with him. I tilted my head side ways in confusion, causing him to walk over to me grabbing my hand leading me to the table. "I wanted to capture this moment with you and any other moment after that. Is that okay?" I nodded giving him a radiant smile.

"Okay, I got a question" I nodded as I began to put food on my plate. "And I possibly have an answer" he smiled and turned to me. "Well everyone has a story, what's yours?" I stopped what I was doing and slightly looked at him from the corner of my eye. "You don't have to answer, I was-

"My mom and dad died in a car accident, when I was six. I stayed with my grandma ever since then. I was soon named the girl that every picked on. The girl who didn't have parents nor friends. That's until I met Soo, we were both in the same class. She noticed I was being picked on and stuck up for me. But I shortly found out they bullied her for that. So I gained confidence and vowed to protect her no matter what." I stated before looking down playing with my hands.

"I loved life that stay away from people and to protect Soo as much as I can. That was until college I knew I wanted things to changed. I just didn't know how, that was until I met all of you guys. I never felt more alive or happy to be with people who are just amazing and energetic, loving people"I finished shortly before taking a bite of a strawberry. I was silently eating when I saw something dangle in my face. I looked closer and saw a beautiful necklace with a rose on it. I instantly turned to James, who was staring at me with loving eyes.

He then proceeded to put the necklaces around me. Once he was done he took out his camera, causing me to laugh out loud. He immediately took the picture and laughed as well. "I just wanted to give you something, do you like it?" I shook my head causing him to frown. "I absolutely love it" I stated pulling him into a hug.

After a few minutes I pulled away only for him to slightly pull me back. Leaving moving but an inch of space between us. "Have you thought about us?" He asked moving a hair behind my ear.

'Us? That's the only question going through my head. Can me and James work? Can we be happy together? I know it's a risky move and even scary but I'll be lying if I said ever second with him is fun.
But then reality hit me....
I never thought about us....I never gave him the time of day to even try to pursue...I never thought about his feelings...but will I ever give him what he wants?
Will I be able to give him what he deserves and more?
But the question of all questions.....
Will I be able to let go of Lucas?'

"Koa?" James said in a worried tone. I watch as he searched my eyes with his. Looking for an answer, wondering what I was thinking. I smiled and put one hand on his cheek creasing his jawline. "I never had a boyfriend before" I stated. His eyes then got bigger processing what I just said. He then gave me the biggest smile ever before leaning in and give me a hug. "I'll do my absolute best for you" he whispered. I smiled and hugged him tighter, "I know"


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