I Hope Forever.

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"Okay class gather around, it's been fun and all but today is the last day here. Tomorrow we head back so make it count and enjoy yourself" we said goodbye and headed back to our tents. "So what do your guys plan on do after high school, when we plan on saying our real goodbyes?" Dante asked. "I'll follow you" Soo bluntly said while hugging him. "Funny you think I'll leave you?" We smiled at the couple and continued walking. "We're all going to the same company, of course for modeling." Rose said holding Star and Sara hand.

"Well we'll be going to the company thirteenth minutes away from yours so we'll definitely still see you all" James said putting his arms around Lucas and Dante necks. "What about you Koa, you'll be joining us right?" I nodded, "but I'll be designing them instead of actually modeling" they sighed in relief. "Well see you losers later me and a certain princess have a date to attend" Dante said pulling Soo with him. I waved to them and continued walk to the tents. "We're off to we're going shopping, you wanna come?" Rose asked.

"No it's okay have fun though" they nodded and walked away. But Sara soon ran back but right pass me. I turned to see Lucas behind me with Sara wrapped around him. "Hey you can come if you want, or I could just stay with you?" He shook his head looking at me. "I have plans already" she nodded and ran back to the girls leaving Lucas and I.

"Come" he shortly said before extending his hand. I grabbed it and he lead me all the way to a tent. "Sit I have something to give you" I did as told and made myself comfortable as I waited. He soon sat in front of me with a small white bag. I opened it to see a white bracelet and a black one with a small button. I smiled as he grabbed one leaving me with the white one. "This ones mine there matching ones they let us find each other. So when we're far away from each other just press the button and walk around for me the closer you get the brighter they get" I nodded. "Do you like it?" I looked at him and leaned forward giving him a small peck.

He began to put mine on when I stopped him. "Why do you have the black one?" He shrugged and smiled. "I just thought you would like the white one. Plus it describes how different we are, your the light and I'm the darkness" he simply stated. I then took the black one away from him and put the white one around his wrist. "From now on I'll be what you need, I'll be your light, that way you won't be in the dark as much. I can't promise to take away your demons at least not all of them. But if you let me I would love to try" I explained. When I looked up he was already looking at me.

I smiled and handed him mine while showing my wrist. He followed my actions and soon finished putting mine on. I smiled brightly and glanced back at him. He then raised his hand and cupped my check softly running his thumb over my check. His other hand soon found it self on my thigh. I waited for him to kiss me but it seems that he was fighting with himself. I put my hand on his waist, He then seem to snap out of it. "Koa" he whispered softly sending chills through my body. I closed my eyes feeling content with everything.

"I want you to know for sure Koa." I sighed and moved closer. "Lucas I'm su-

"No seriously, not just for lust or because you care for me. You have to be completely honest with yourself, but also be aware of what we're doing. Full knowledge of us being-Platonic Friends and nothing more. Us being attracted to each other, sexually, mentally, physically but never Emotionally can you handle that? Because-- I can't knowing you'll get hurt, I don't want to hurt you". He asked giving my thigh a squeeze.

'No I can't...because I love you'

"Yes" I said he then slowly nodded and smiled. I then leaned and connected our lips. He pushed me down and proceeded to kiss me trailing his hands over my thighs. I breath out a soft moan as he started kissing my neck. He looked back at me and smiled. "I hope forever" he said before connecting our lips again.

'Please forgive me'

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