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I was sound asleep when I felt something moving my hair followed with wet marks being planted on my neck. I turned over to see Lucas smiling at me, pulling the covers over more. "GoodMorning love" I smiled and kissed his open chest. "GoodMorning Luca" his smile dropped as he looked down at me. I looked at him panicked. "Lucas what's wro-

He simply kissed me and pulled me closer. He then pulled away and smiled causing me to let out a laugh. "So you love the nickname huh?" He nodded and gave me another kiss before getting out of bed. Not forgetting to turn back around and pick me up. Walking is both towards the shower.

We are now in the parking lot at school. I was about to get out when he stopped me. "Can I ask a favor?" I nodded and held his hand, making him give me a smile. "Can we not be so public yet?" After he said that I slowly started to let go his hand, causing his to go into a panic. "No god Koa, not because of your or me it's just...Like I said last night with Sara and my mom. I just need to handle things at home first before pissing her off more." I sighed and leaned back more looking out the window.

"I understand if you don't want to. It's completely up to you but if we go with that road then we have to be strong enough to walk it. We just got in a relationship, the last thing we need is my mother and Sara in our ears" I rolled my eyes and began to gather my stuff. I was about to get out when he grabbed me. "Please say something, I know your mad but I need to hear you say something" I turned to him and gave him a kiss. It wa a full of passion, anger, pain and love.

"I'm not mad that we necessarily have to hide it. It's more about your mother and Sara. I don't quite understand what they have to do with everything. I understand the whole situation with the company but why do you have to be with her? Where's your dad can't he take it? Also you have a sister couldn't she take it? And Sara is the biggest threat out there. She had sex with you Luca. What am I supposed to do knowing she wants you? Or that she's trying to have sex with you again? I know I can trust you, if I couldn't then I wouldn't be here now. But I don't trust her." I said taking a breath big breath before looking at him.

He was smiling at me with adoring eyes. I smiled and looked down trying to hide my blush. "I love this new aggressive, possessive you, it suits you." I rolled my eyes opening the door. "I'll tell you everything when the time comes but please be patient and trust me okay?" He said creasing my cheek. I nodded and kissed him one last time before getting out the car walking away.

Let the day began.....

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