The Thing I Hate Most

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"That's all today class remember the final Is coming up more and more everyday, and don't forget later today we'll be leaving for senior trip which will be one whole week long so make sure you have everything. We start loading the busses at 5" everyone cheered and exit the classroom. "Okay spill you haven't said much today and it's a two hour drive there and I'll hate to see you grumpy the whole time?" Soo rambled on before following me out the class.

Once we made it to my locker we saw Lucas and Sara laughing at his locker by the boys locker room. I quickly look away and put my books away before slamming my locker.

"It's her isn't it?" I turned to Soo and smiled. "Koa don't overreact okay, maybe there just close childhood friends or better cousins." I sighed and saw her kiss his check. "Okay maybe not but still you heard him last night there's plenty of girls he-and that's not helping" I rolled my eyes before heading near the buses.

'Maybe this trip will be good for me. Maybe I could just relax and get some me time.'

"Hey" I turned to see Lucas by my side smiling. I studied him as he continued to walk. He was slightly sweating as his checks and lips began to glow a light red, And his shirt began to cling to his chest as-

"Koa?" Lucas said bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked away to see us in front of the busses. "Are you okay? You haven't really said anything to me since last night?" He asked before putting his hands into his pocket before making eye contact with me. I smiled and nodded, "yeah I've just been thinking about work and stuff" he nodded and smiled moving closer. "Great, I thought you were ignoring me or something, I didn't do anything wrong did I?" He asked looking sincerely worried.

'Are you serious right now, your little girlfriend or whatever she is showed up at our little party and proceeded to cling to you. Not to mention the same night we agreed on something that I'm not even sure I want anymore and to add on I'm still not even sure what I truly agreed to'

"No you didn't I just-" he tilted his head waiting for me to continue but there was only one thing going through my head. "How do you know Sara?" He hummed and leaned against the bus. "She's my childhood friend" he stated moving a peace of hair behind my ear. "Is she a friend like a friend friend?" He chuckled. "A friend friend?" He repeated as I nodded, "she's my childhood friend" I shook my head.

"That's not answering my question, is she your friend friend Lucas?" I repeated getting more irritated then before. "Friend friend'? Koa are you five, come on just say what you want stop beating around the-

"Did you have sex with her?" I slightly yelled causing people to look at us shortly. I sighed and hugged myself feeling completely overwhelmed and uncomfortable. "Are you serious Koa?" He asked in disbelief as he moved back. "Dead serious, last night we agreed to go out and as soon as she walked in you-

"Woah woah Koa, I've never agreed to go out with you?" He stated .

"What--but last night we"

"Koa a Platonic Friendship, That's what I meant, and what I agreed too. If you want to rethink things over then fine but I don't date and never will. Tell me when your ready and one more thing. NEVER question who I talk to, I hate it the most." He then walked around me leaving me dumbfounded and honestly even embarrassed.

'Well Damn'

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