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I sat in the car for about ten whole minutes mentally preparing myself for what's going to happen tonight. 'Okay you can do this just breath, talk, eat and repeat simple' I said to myself now getting out the car. I made my way to the building to our private area but, before I opened the door Soo did. "About time girl what took so long?" I shrugged and she pulled me into the room. "Guys this is Koa my best friend, Koa this is James, Leo, Tae, Rose, Star and last but not least Dante" I smiled and waved to everyone before sitting down next to Soo.

Time passed by and I was barely talking but it didn't seem to matter, everyone was having fun not even noticing I wasn't talking. "I'll be back babe my friend is outside lost". He stated kissing her head before walking out. "Soooo anyone you find cute, or even cute enough to be your boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes before drinking some water.

"Guys look who's here" we heard Donte yell from behind me. I turned around to see--


Lucas waved to everyone and once he noticed me he was obviously taken back but then smiled.

I promise my heart did not just skip a beat. I promise...right?

"Koa, Soo this is Lucas my best friend. Lucas this is Soo and her best friend Koa." We all waved and I noticed that we were staring at each other until Soo lightly nudge me. I quickly looked away looking down at my food.

'Out of all places and timing he had to show up here and to top it off he had to be best friends with my best friends boyfriend, just great'

"Koa are you okay?" Soo asked. I shook my head and grabbed her hand pulling her to the restroom. "Koa what the-, "that's him the guy from last night he-

"Koa calm down I know that's him I was the one who left you with him, remember." I lifted my head and narrowed my eyes. "You knew he would be here didn't you?" She shook her head, "I just knew him from that night,but I didn't know he was friends with Donte. Plus isn't this something to be happy about this means he goes to our school." I sighed and played with my fingers. "Look if it makes it any better I think he likes you, I saw him staring at you since he came in. Just relax and talk to him okay?" I nodded and took a deep breath.

We walked back out and sat down. Once I was calm I continued to eat my food when I saw Lucas push a plate of meat for me to grab. I lift my head to see him already looking at me. "So we meet again" he asked leaning on his folded arms on the table. I smirked and nodded my head eating a peace of meat. "Why so quiet, is it because I look so handsome tonight?" I rolled my eyes. "That's the last thing on my mind".

"Well I think you look beautiful tonight" I chocked on my dignity and drunk some more water. I looked at him and he was just laughing talking to his friends as if nothing happened.

As the night went on I was now getting board and tired. I checked the time and saw that it was now 10:00 o'clock now. I sighed and just tried to pay attention to their conversation. "What about you Koa, are you in a relationship or talking to a special person?" Star asked. I shook my head quickly. "N-No I'm just focusing on school, no one special." I stated before smiling. "What seriously but your mad beautiful?!" James stated I thanked him and started to blush. "Koa can I sit next to Soo if you don't mind" Dante asked, I looked at Soo who had a devilish smile. I then got up and went to sit next to Lucas.

I went back to listening to the conversation when I heard something funny causing me to laugh. As soon as I did Lucas turned his head towards me causing me to move back a little not noticing how close we actually were. He noticed I moved back and sighed irritatedly. I decided to ignore him and focus on everyone else when I felt his hand.

'His hand is on my knee. Oh my god okay don't panic it just his hand and just my knee it's fine'

"No one special" I heard him say giving my knee a soft squeeze. "W-What ar-e you-
"So Koa tell me what are we then?" He asked moving his hand up slowly. I let out a shaky breath and put my hand over his. "What are you going-doing?" He smirked and moved closer to my ear. "What ever you want me to" he said sending chills down my back. I was now for sure to heated and didn't trust a word I was going to say from here on out.

"aren't we just friends?, friends don't do things like this". He went up a little more before squeezing. "We're more than friends we're special friends Koa remember" he then moved his arm around my waist and squeezed it pulling me a little closer.

Well damn...

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