I Promise

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"I'm Koa but she told you that already" he nodded and smiled while putting his hands in his pockets. I then felt my body become overwhelmed as I stood so close. I moved back and sat down in my seat. He followed my actions and sat next to me, close if I might add. "You seem closed off" I looked at him confused. "Why would I be open?" He shrugged. "Why not be open?" I leaned back some so I could see him better. "Well I don't know you and for all I know you could be a sycophant" he laughed and also leaned back.

"Would a sycophant take his time to come to a club just so cameras and people to see his face right before killing a beautiful woman" he asked while looking straight in my eyes. We stayed like that for Good minute, before I broke eye contact. "You sound just like one to me therefore can't be trusted" I said smiling and folding my arms. "How about we get out of here" He questioned, I quickly looked at him. "I know a good fun eating cafe where we could talk and even play games it'll be fun" he proceed to explain. I sighed and turned away from him.

Maybe it won't be that bad to go. Maybe he actually likes-

"Koa?" I snapped out of head and noticed he was now standing in front of me. He put out his hand and grinned. "I promise you won't regret it".

I slightly grabbed his hand and got up looking at him. He smiled and pulled me through the crowd of people. Once we made it outside we made our way to a black car. He opened the door for me and I 'Thanked' him and waited as he got in.

"Okay so where's this promising place" I asked leaning on the arm rest between us teasing him. He huffed and smirked, he leaned closer and closer to the point our lips could literally touch any second. We stared at each other until he reached behind me pulling my seatbelt around me and locking me in. "Not far from here actually we'll be there in no time" I nodded not trusting my voice. "Are you ready" I hummed in response and the car started and off we were.

"See we're here in one peace" I rolled my eyes and got out the car. Lucas then came around and grabbed my hand leading me inside.
"LUCAS MY BOY!" an middle age man yelled and pulled Lucas into a big hug. "Hello Mr. Henry, It's so nice to see you as always" they laughed and Mr. Henry looked at me. "And who's the beautiful woman, is she someone special?" Lucas turned to me and squeezed my hand. Which I didn't notice he took again.

"Yeah she's someone special"

'And there goes my heart'

"That's wonderful my boy, here let me get you guys a table follow me" we nodded and followed right behind. We were sat at our table and left alone shortly after. I scanned the room and saw people laughing, eating, playing games and even some kissing here and there. "What do you think?" He asked looking scared and curiously. "Good. It feels homie and smell like cupcakes" he laughed and handed me the menu.

"What do you usually get?" I asked not really knowing how anything taste, But he just shrugged. "I usually just let them pick, everything here is good" I nodded and decided to just get what he was getting. "So tell me about yourself? I'm curious." I tilted my head and folded my arms on the table. "Well it depends, what do I get in return?" I asked, He smiled and leaned up. "Whatever you want" he said bluntly while smirking.

'We'll see about that hot stuff'

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