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"Everything that we've been through was for a reason. Everything that we consider a mistake and accident. That's what's supposed to happen, that's what we needed to happen. Life from here on out isn't going to be the same. We're officially grown adults with grown adults duties. Just hearing or thinking about it brings me chills. But the most important part about is that, we have to world in our hands. We decided what we want to do or be or say even how we look. Everything will be up to us and there's no one to tell us different. Life is about mistakes and mess up. So please mess up and try again and again after that, because who doesn't. We're going to go out separate ways from now on. Some will stay together and some will part away. But just know we'll always have each other and no matter what happens 2021is our year." Soo said finally letting her tears fall as she finish her valedictorian speech.

We all stood and gave her a big standing ovation. Dante came from behind her and kissed her causing everyone to cheer louder. I rolled my eyes laughing as I turn to see other couples doing so as well. I glanced to my left to see Lucas smiling and cheering Dante and Soo on still. I guess I was staring to long, When I noticed he was staring back at me. He smiled and waved causing my heart to jump. I waved back and he gave a bigger smile.


"Okay bet I'll meet you there, I just need to pick up my bag that's all" Leo said to Dante. Soo then came from behind me and hugged me from the side. "Your coming right? You can't say no I already cleaned the rooms" I smiled and nodded. "I just need to go back and get my bags, I'll meet you there" she nodded and quickly went to Dante side. "What about you, your coming to right?" Leo asked throwing his arm over Lucas. "Yeah sure but I don't have my bag with me and where exactly are we going? " he explained/asked looking down. "I'll give you a ride, no problem and we're going to Dante's beach house" he smiled thanking Leo.

"But what about me, I though we were riding together plus your home is opposite of his right?" Star asked hugging his arm. "Right...umm-

"You can ride with me...if you want" I said
Unconsciously, leaving everyone in shock. "Okay umm good...we'll see you guys there in a hour or so" Dante said pulling a worried Soo away. I gave her a reassuring smile, causing her to nod. I glanced at Lucas to see him holding the keys. "I'll drive" I nodded and followed him out to the car. "How have you been?" He asked opening the door for me. I thanked him and waited for him to get settled in.

"I've been good, what about you? I last heard that you were taking over your moms company." He nodded and started the car making our way to his house. "Yeah it's actually pretty nice and right down the street from your future job" I nodded as he explained. "Look about yesterday, I'm sorry I didn't say anything. I was just...." He stopped, Turning to me--"I just can't believe I'm seeing you again let alone you talking to me" I smiled and looked out the window. We soon pulled up to his house and saw Lola outside the house on the phone.

"I'll make it quick" he announced while getting out. I nodded and sat patiently watching him walk to Lola and then both walking into the house, out of sight.

After a few moments passed they both walked out and hugged each other as they parted. He quickly got in and put his bag in the back seat. "Are you ready?" He asked starting up the car and glanced at me. I nodded and gave him two thumbs up. He laughed and started driving to our location.

Two hours passed and we finally made it to our destination. It was a beautiful house with a beautiful view of the ocean, not to mention the sunset. "GUYS COME ON, THE WAVES ARE CRAZY!" Leo yelled running with a surfboard. We laughed and made our way to the house. Once we walked in everyone was eating snacks, playing around. "Just in time, we actually getting ready to go out to grill some meat." Soo announced as we walked in the living room. "Okay your room is down there and Lucas, room is actually right across from hers" Soo informed us. We nodded and made our way to the rooms.

I opened the door and walked in placing my bags down. I smiled as I saw the beautiful view of the ocean. I turned after hearing a loud knock on the door. "Hey umm I'm heading down, are you coming?" Lucas asked nervously as he played with his hair. "No I'll just unpack and what not, thanks though" he nodded and quickly walked away. I sighed and started to unpack everything.

Once I was done I walked outside on the balcony to see everyone running around the beach's bed some sitting and talking. I glanced around and finally found Lucas, laughing at whatever Dante said.

'How could one be the same yet feel so different. I could ignore him this whole trip but I'll be making things to obvious not to mention hard. But no matter what happens, I will not fall for him...again Right?'


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