Fine Be Mad.

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Koa?, Koa, KOA!" I was in thought when I felt someone hit my thigh. I glanced up to see Soo and Dante with worried faces. "We're heading down to the guys tent there cooking, come with us please it would be fun?" She stated presenting her hand for me. I grinned and took it, I followed them. I scan the area we arrived in and saw everyone laughing, cooking and playing around near the water. "We're here guys" Soo yelled as soon as we make it to the tent.

"Good I was getting board listening to Leo love stories" James said walking to us. We laughed and sat down. I turned to my left to see Lucas and Sara whispering in each other ears. He smiled and turned his head to look at me, we made short eye contact before James came and sat next me, blocking view of Lucas.

"Hey umm are you okay, you haven't said much?" I nodded and ran my hand over my face. "Come here, I wanna show you something?" He said excitedly before offering his hand. I smiled and took it letting him lead me to the ocean. We soon stopped as he squat down to see something in the sand. He pulled me down and pointed at a seven baby turtles.

"Oh my god there so cute, why are they just sitting here?" He shrugged and sighed before picking one up. It sat in his hand and slowly closed its eyes. I smiled and rubbed my hand over its head. "Will the mom be back for them?" James shook his head. "Momma turtles lay their eggs in the sand and leave, leaving them to survive on there own. They usually hatch at night so they can have a higher rate of survival" he informed me as he put the turtle down.

"I feel so sorry for them, maybe we could help them to the water" he hummed and we began to pick up about two at a time.

We sat quietly as the turtles started to wiggle there way into the water. "What happens now? What if something eats them?" I asked panicking, James smiled and splashed my leg with water. We then began to spend our time splashing g each other and laughing. Until Soo called us saying foods ready.

"Goodnight guys we'll see you tomorrow" Rose, James and Tae said leaving only Soo, Star, Sara, Leo, Dante, Lucas and I. "Okay who wants to play a game?" Sara asked Turing everyone's attention to her. "I'm down" James said sitting next to me. I smiled and nodded causing Soo and Dante to squill. I rolled my eyes and folded my arms. We all sat down getting ready when we heard someone get up. We all looked at Lucas who was walking away. Sara grabbed him, "just one game bright then we'll leave I promise" he glanced at me and I politely rolled my eyes.

He finally agreed and sat down giving Sara a bottle. She then spent it and it landed on Sara and James. Everyone started laughing as they got up, "over there is a single tent make it count" Soo stated. They soon left and about minutes later came back. James had lipstick all on his lips smeared. James sat down and looked at me. I smiled and wiped his face helping him. He smiled and silently thanked me.

"Okay next up is" Soo spin the bottle and it slowly landed on.....Lucas and ME.

I sighed and looked at Lucas who was already making his way to the tent. "Go It's just a game" Dante said reassuring me. I nodded and followed him until we both were inside the tent. Which only had large boxes. We then stayed in different corners as time passed quietly. "Are you really not going to say anything?" He asked. "What did I do so wrong?!" He slightly yelled. "Are you really asking this again?" He smiled and folded his arms as he leaned on a box. "So you really jealous over Sara, my childhood friend?" I huffed and turned completely to him.

"Jealous? Lucas can you really see nothing wrong here?" He sat quietly and just stared at me. "I really don't get you Koa, just before you were happy. Smiling ear to ear, yet now your mad over the most silliest things" I walked to him slapped him. "Walking me home, giving me food when no ones looking, touching my thigh, being all sweet and kind. Not to mention kissing m, then playing house with Sara! I wouldn't think of that as the most silliest things...I hate you!" I yelled starting to walk out the tent when he grabbed me and forced me into his chest.

"Take it back" I shook my head and tried pushing him away when he turned me to look at him. "Your mad fine be mad but don't ever say you hate me-ever." He said as his eyes got glossy. I then felt my tears run down my eyes. I pushed him and he just grabbed me more. Now resting his forehead on mine.

"I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear. I sighed and let my tears flow down. He wiped them away as his other hand ran around my waste. "I told you you'll regret it" he said softly.

'I've never seen him like this. I don't think I've ever seen anyone like this. It was like he was asking to be put back together. Like he just Ned someone to understand him, to be with him. And I'll be lying to myself if I didn't want to be that person for him'

I reached up and put my hand behind his head an the other grabbing his shirt. He made eye contact with me and I smiled and nodded. We then took no time to kiss each other.

'I felt it again, the love, the want, the need to be there for someone. I know that I'm probably going to regret it again but all I care about is him and only him'.

Sorry This part was long guys xoxo hope you enjoyed it.

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